International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Technique in MANET using Fitness Function

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

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Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I4P55
Authors : Lakshmi Prasad, Bibin Varghese, Smita C Thomas


MLA Style: Lakshmi Prasad, Bibin Varghese, Smita C Thomas"Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Technique in MANET using Fitness Function" International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 433-439.

APA Style: Lakshmi Prasad, Bibin Varghese, Smita C Thomas. Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Technique in MANET using Fitness Function. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 433-439.

Abstract :

Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless sites that form a temporary network without relying on any infrastructure or central management. Electricity consumption is considered one of the major constraints on MANET, as areas that are not compatible with electricity and have to rely on batteries, thus reducing network life time as batteries run out of power as zodias move and change their locations rapidly in MANET. The research proposed in this paper highlights this specific power consumption problem in MANET through the Fitness Function process to increase energy expenditure in the Ad Hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) protocol protocol. The proposed protocol is called Ad Hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector by Fitness Function (FF-AOMDV). Exercise function is used to find the right path from the source to the destination to reduce energy expenditure on the route multipath. The effectiveness of the proposed FF-AOMDV protocol was tested using Network Simulator Version 2 (NS-2), where performance compared to AOMDV and Ad Hoc On Demand Multipath Routing with Life Maximization (AOMR-LM), both of which are very common Popular agreements proposed in this area. Comparisons were evaluated based on power consumption, inputs, packet delivery rate, end delays, network life and performance metrics for maximum measurement, node speed variations, packet size and measurement time. The results clearly show that the proposed FF-AOMDV AOMDV failed and AOMR-LM under metric metrics and network performance parameters