International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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Behavioural Problems of School Children and Maternal Parenting Styles: A Descriptive Study

     International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

 Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-5
 Year of Publication : 2020
 Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I5P50
 Authors : Mrs.Chitra.K, Dr.Sindhu Kuruvilla
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Abstract :

Parental care includes the connexion between children and adults who are true and accountable and, above all, the right ethos for an attentive family relationship. Parental care should ideally be including fathers and mothers, since in the hands of parents we form the child's entire development. To mitigate difficulties with child behaviour, parents need a major coping strategy. The three facet structures (motivation / reinforcement, responsiveness / facility, democracy, warmth / engaging), are authoritarian in the self-report of the Indian parents (corporeal / verbal violence, non-reasoned / coerced).In fact, motherly self-reports were invariant with parenting styles in the Mainland of China and the Indians. Samples.-Samples. Samples. Samples. Authoritarian parenting involves linking, regulating and granting autonomy in the two studies, while authoritarian childhood involves physical abuse, verbal assaults and punitive / non-reasoning. As a researcher, many children have behavioural issues in the care setting. If she continues to understand why such behavioural problems occur. The child has found that parenting styles have an effect on behaviour that is disrespectful to animals and doesn't appear to feel guilty of miscompliance, which is such that they are not currently able to sit still, worried or hyperactive, addicted or too committed. Inconsistent discipline, such as knocking the child for small errors and excusing himself if the child needs punishment, may lead to fear with the child. This contributes to the criminal activity of the boy.