International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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Gas Leakage Detection and Accident Prevention in Domesti Sector Using IOT

     International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

 Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-5
 Year of Publication : 2020
 Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I5P93
 Authors :Asha J K, Viji S, Jebastin, Brenda V
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Abstract :

Gas leakage detection and accident prevention in domestic sector using IOT has applications in Home, Hotels, restaurants, as well as in Industries. This project is used to monitor the weight of the gas cylinder and in the case of fire accident and fire sensor is used. In our home we observe whenever the Gas cylinder is empty, we give a request for the new cylinder at the office of the gas cylinder provider. Many times it happens that because of the Rush or due to the shortage of cylinder, there is a delay in providing the gas cylinder.The main reason behind this is a delay in informing the gas provider or we inform the gas provider at the last moment when the gas is empty. One more example in hotels or sometimes in the industry also the gas is also used. In-home or in hotels the main purpose of gas is for cooking. But in the industry sometimes, gas or some other combustible gas is used for some other purposes like welding or cutting or for some other use. In these places, if the gas inside a gas cylinder is finished at that time request for a new gas cylinder is sent to the storage department but if there is a shortage in stock then there is a delay in providing a new gas cylinder.