International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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Media Coverage on COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Analysis on the Promptness of the Online TV Channels in Tanzania in Reporting COVID-19 Issues

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I6P20
Authors : Ms.Cezalia Buyanza Mwidima
: Click Here

Abstract :

The objective of this study was to analyze the promptness of the Online TV Channels in Tanzania in reporting the issues of COVID-19 when the case of the pandemic was very severe in the country. Specifically the study explored the extent through which the selected YouTube channels or online TV were fast and prompt in informing the general public about all important issues of the pandemic. A total of 30 online TV channels were selected using a convenience sampling procedures. A content analysis was used to collect the data for this study. Thematic analysis was used to clean and analyze the data. The findings suggest that the YouTube channels or Online TVs in Tanzania were very prompt in reporting all COVID-19 issues. The implication of this study is that the media in Tanzania have showed a patriotic example of playing well their social responsibility roles which requires all media practitioners to act as voices of the voiceless.