International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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The Role of Flexibility and Adaptability in Achieving Functional Efficiency in The Informal Hosuing Context in Egypt

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I6P47
Authors : Selegha Abrakasa, Nnodi Okechukwu, Sam,Edikan Michael
: Click Here

Abstract :

The general chemostratigraphy of formations in well M offshore Senegal was evaluated. Data used for this study wasobtained from a Spectro XEPOS, manufactured by AMETEK with a X–LabPro 5.1. software for data processing.Results showed that the V/Ni ratio indicated that the sandstone series of 1850m to 2120m and 2350m to 2450mwere deposited in oxygen rich nearshore or shallow marine environment. The Fe2O3+MgO parameter showthat the sandstones of 1850m to 2120m have very low Fe2O3+MgO implying their source to be fromcontinental crust, while the lower series of 2120m to 3200m have very high values indicating their source tobe oceanic crust. The TiO2–Zr binary diagram shows that majority of the samples were derived from sourcewith lithology which corresponds to continental crust and continental arcs.