International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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Organic Food Preferences in Buying Behaviour of Women Consumers of Urban, Patna

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

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Published Issue : Volume-4 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2021
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V4I1P126
Authors : Nainshi Kumari
: Click Here | DOI : Update Soon

Abstract :

Women play a pivotal role in the decision making process of organizations and within the family. Indian culture bestows on women the role of care taker of the family. Women are increasingly moving out of their homes and into the work environment. A greater number of women are also entering the workforce of restricted industries. Thus women play the dual role of housewives and working women. The role conflict and dual role of working women has resulted stress, tension, anxiety, obesity, etc and consequently, working women are facing frequent ill health, both psychological and physical. Food safety, human health and environmental concern along with sensory attributes such as nutritive value, taste, freshness and appearance influence organic food consumer preferences. Premium price continues to suppress organic food consumption. Understanding the grounds of increasing level of organic food consumption such as motivation are most critical in understanding the potential of the organic food to become a genuinely mainstream market. Like any purchase, buying organic food is a personal choice. While some organic products may be higher in a few nutrients and have lower amounts of some pesticide residues, what’s most important is that one eats a variety of healthy organic foods having important nutrients. The women working in unorganized sector have more physical health problems and women working in organized sector have more psychological health problems due to role conflict, dual role and stress. The objective of this research paper is to identify the factors determine that influence women’s preferences and buying behavior towards organic food in Patna city. For this purpose the present study has been conducted with a sample of 100 female organic food consumers of Patna city and their responses were gauged through a structured questionnaire, administered personally. Data have been analyzed with help of standard deviations and factor analysis. The results from the present study investigating factors influencing the women preferences towards organic food products indicate that health and price are the major factor which influences the buying behavior of women towards organic food products. This is followed by another factor such as 'taste', 'mood', ' influence' and familiarity’.