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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175 |
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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 3, May - June 2019
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Paper ID |
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Virtual Screening of Phytocompounds from Andrographis Paniculata as Antivenom for Bungarus caeruleus
Author(s): V. Kavitha, Dr.N.Gunavathy
Page(s): 01-03
Every year innumerable mortalities were reported in India due to snake bites. Traditional medicinal plants from local region of India were applied as an antidote for snake bites by tribes. Medicinal plants can be used as alternative treatment for antiserum therapy. Venoms constitute a rich source of phospholipase A2 (1DPY) enzymes, which show remarkable diversity in their structure and function. The antivenom activity of Andrographis paniculata which were computationally evaluated against PLA2 of Bungarus caeruleus (common krait). In this investigation, an In-silico drug designing studies for antivenom potentials against PLA2 was carried out by computational screening of Andrographis paniculata compounds with PLA2 molecule using Autodock 4.0 program. Keyword: Antivenom, Phospholipase A2, Andrographis paniculata, Bungarus caeruleus, Computational Screening, Autodock 4.0.× ![]() V. Kavitha, Dr.N.Gunavathy "Virtual Screening of Phytocompounds from Andrographis Paniculata as Antivenom for Bungarus caeruleus" Vol 2-Issue 3 (1-3) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Smart Antenna System for Static Scenario using PM and LMS Algorithm
Author(s): D.D.Khumane, S.M.Jagade, V.M.Mhalgi
Page(s): 04-07
This paper presents simulation results for a smart antenna system based on direction of arrival estimation and null steering. Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is based on the PM algorithm for identifying the directions of the desired signals and the null steering beamformer adapts the antenna pattern to steer the main beam towards the desired user and nullify all other interference. This system can be used to reduce multipath and co-channel interference. These benefits include the enhancement of coverage and the channel capacity, lower transmitted power, better signal quality, higher data rate and providing value-added services such as user’s position location (PL) and at the same time to minimize interference arising from other user by introducing nulls in their direction. Also this paper deals with adaptive beam forming approach for the dynamic case based on smart antennas and adaptive algorithms used to compute the complex weights like Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. Keyword: Smart Antenna Technology, Beamforming, Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation, Multiple Signal classification (MUSIC), PM (Propagator Method), Least Mean Square (LMS), Signal Nulling.× ![]() D.D.Khumane, S.M.Jagade, V.M.Mhalgi "Smart Antenna System for Static Scenario using PM and LMS Algorithm" Vol 2-Issue 3 (04-07) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Performance Evaluation of Smart Antenna: DOA Estimation using MUSIC and Beamforming using LMS
Author(s): D.D.Khumane, S.M.Jagade
Page(s): 08-13
This paper presents a simulation study of a smart antenna (SA) system based on direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is based on the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm for finding the Position Location (PL) of the desired user. The beamformer steer the main beam towards the desired user and nullify all other interferer, through adaptive beamforming using Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. This simulation results revealed the sharper peaks in the MUSIC angular spectrum and deep nulls in the LMS beam pattern. Also, this paper deals with DOA estimation and adaptive beamforming for the dynamic case based on SA. Eigen decomposing fined the PL of the desired user using MUSIC algorithm and steer the beam toward this user using compute the weight vectors like Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. Also this paper illustrates the results for the LMS error on the basis of number of iteration / sample. Keyword: Smart Antenna (SA), Beamformer, Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation, Multiple Single Classification (MUSIC), Least Mean Square (LMS), Signal Nulling.× ![]() D.D.Khumane, S.M.Jagade, "Performance Evaluation of Smart Antenna: DOA Estimation using MUSIC and Beamforming using LMS" Vol 2-Issue 3 (08-13) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Fingerprint Based Online Voting System
Author(s): Sameer R. Adhikari, Pallav S. Bari, Babasaheb A. Abhale
Page(s): 14-18
Fingerprint Based Online Voting System is a application where the user is recognized by his finger pattern. Since the finger pattern of each human being is different, the voter can be easily authenticated. The system allow the voter to vote through his fingerprint. Finger print is used to uniquely identify the user. The finger print minutiae features are different for each human being. Finger print is used as a authentication of the voters. Voter can vote the candidate only once, the system will not allow the candidate to vote for the second time. The system will allow admin to add the candidate name and candidate photo who are nominated for the election. Admin only has the right to add candidate name and photo who are nominated. Admin will register the voters name by verifying voter. Admin will authenticate the user by verifying the user’s identity proof and then admin will register the voter. The number of candidate added to the system by the admin will be automatically deleted after the completion of the election. Admin has to add the date when the election going to end. The system will allow the user to vote for only one candidate. The system will allow the user to vote for one time for a particular election. Admin can add any number of candidates when the new election will be announced. Admin can view the election result by using the election id. Even user can view the election result. Keyword: Biometrics, Fingerprint, Identification.× ![]() Sameer R. Adhikari, Pallav S. Bari, Babasaheb A. Abhale, "Fingerprint Based Online Voting System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (14-18) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Clean Brick Technology –From Design To Development
Author(s): Musaib N Bhatt
Page(s): 14-18
This paper is a first attempt at understanding and describing the needs for design methods that have arisen in response to worldwide interests for the energy-efficient and environment-friendly brick firing technology, i.e. through the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) Technology. Generally, it is understood that designing is done in order to produce drawings needed by clients and construction experts. However, in recent times with the proliferation of the need of VSBK in various countries, there has been a need to write down a standard method or recipe that can be relied upon for designing a VSBK. These design aspects are also country specific, since they depend on technical, social and geographical conditions particular to that country. Thus, the need to develop a design report, specific to Kashmir conditions was necessary. This design paper specific to Kashmir conditions is based on more than a decade long practical working experiences, researches, reports and various other technical parameters from the ground specific to Kashmir. This design paper is expected to serve as a basic tool for construction engineers and supervisors to delineate the essential parameters for the construction of a VSBK. This design paper does not claim to be complete or perfect. It is in the hands of the users to utilize it fully by using it as a reference guide for further improvement. Keyword: Brick supporting I-beam, Flue ducts, Green brick, Ground level, Girder, Loading platform, Support Bars/ I-bar, Shaft, Shaft size, Screw supporting I-beam, Trolley track, Trolley guide, Unloading trolley.× ![]() Musaib N Bhatt, "Clean Brick Technology –From Design To Development" Vol 2-Issue 3 (19-28) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Ben Shapiro: The Tongue Of The Devil
Author(s): Arlo Parker
Page(s): 29-36
According to Jane Coaston, a New York Times journalist, “Ben Shapiro, the conservative writer, prides himself on speaking bold truths to liberal power. His shtick goes something like this: ‘Set up a speech in a progressive bastion, ideally a college campus full of coastal elites who have never left their bubble’” (Coaston, New York Times). Keyword: Ben Shapiro, Caitlyn Jenner, rhetoric, debate, gender equality, equal rights, transgender rights, politics.× ![]() Arlo Parker, "Ben Shapiro: The Tongue Of The Devil" Vol 2-Issue 3 (29-36) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The dual paradigm nature of Knowledge Event management: implications for achieving quality outcomes in Corporate Communication in Public Organizations
Author(s): Sobia Naseem , Muhammad Mohsin , Shazia Salamat , Vu Thi Duyen
Page(s): 37-47
In this article, we analyze the rise of learning Event the board inside the professionalization of event celebrations and occasions. The developing multifaceted nature of event celebration the board places weight on associations to viably oversee 'learning' so as to succeed. Learning is ordinarily conceptualized as data that can be put away or ordered through agendas. We offer an elective conceptualization of information Event the executives as a social development molded by the authoritative culture and structure. We build up this social methodology through a contextual investigation of the Interloop Corporate Communication, Pakistan to look at the development of information Event the board jobs and duties. Our ethnographic research and subjective examination recognize how Public Company certainly uses boss learning officer, information specialist, and learning laborer jobs. These jobs were effectively performed over a brief length but then they were not characterized or explicitly stated. We examine how the non-culture and non-spatial association of work groups added to an aggregate comprehension of the benefit of sharing and making learning. With developing professionalization, we contend that event celebration associations will progressively build up an increasingly unsure consciousness of the essentialness of learning Event Management language and practice. The discoveries will empower celebration directors to more readily see how information Event Management Process are implanted inside an authoritative culture and add to hierarchical learning. Keyword: knowledge Event management, festival organizations, professionalization, organizational culture, Corporate Communication structure.× ![]() Sobia Naseem, Muhammad Mohsin, Shazia Salamat, Vu Thi Duyen, "The dual paradigm nature of Knowledge Event management: implications for achieving quality outcomes in Corporate Communication in Public Organizations" Vol 2-Issue 3 (37-47) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Efficient Cluster (H-Leach) Based Routing Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks
Author(s): Sugan J, Isaac Sajan R
Page(s): 48-52
In Past year WSN network is used in many real time applications. The real time applications raise various fundamental problems like limited energy resources, network life time, etc. The growth of the WSN is increase day by day. In WSN has a plenty of sensor nodes. Sensor nodes are deployed to monitor the real worlds which are transmitting the sensed data to Base station. The main problem in WSN is the sensors are having limited lifetime and more energy consumption to transmit the data to Base station. This is the one of the challenge in WSN. To improve the network life time and reduce energy consumption to use clustering technique. Clustering is a process of grouping the sensor nodes into cluster. The objective of clustering is to increase the network scalability, energy efficient, etc. In this paper we propose Heterogeneous LEACH protocol we present architecture schemes and evaluate. It’s performance using analytical study and simulations. The evaluation is based on the most critical metrics in WSNs such as network lifetime, dead node, Alive node, Energy-Efficient (Energy Consumption). The evaluation and comparison with existing solutions show that our proposed Heterogeneous LEACH exhibits a reduction in energy consumption over CH-LEACH.. Keyword: WSN, Cluster, LEACH, Lifetime.× ![]() Sugan J, Isaac Sajan R, "An Efficient Cluster (H-Leach) Based Routing Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks" Vol 2-Issue 3 (37-47) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Evaluation of Engaged Vs. Non-Engaged Donors and the Impact on Donations at Samaritan’s Feet International
Author(s): Arianne Goff
Page(s): 48-85
Samaritan’s Feet is a nonprofit organization located in Charlotte, North Carolina, with the initiative of donating new athletic shoes to low income and impoverished individuals. Through activity opportunities such as shoe collection drives, shoe distributions, volunteering at the warehouse, and joining mission trips, Samaritan’s Feet engages their volunteers in a hands-on participation to serving. Such activities can provoke happiness and joy from volunteers and inspire them to donate after they have participated in a volunteer activity. Studies have shown that donors who volunteer with nonprofits are more likely to donate again. Strategic and wise nonprofit leaders must engage their volunteers soon after a volunteer activity to move them to the next checkpoint in the Donor Engagement Cycle to increase the chance of receiving additional donations. Keeping donor information categorized is also necessary for marketing to donors. This study aims to assess the correlation between volunteering and how it affects donations compared to donors who do not participate in activities. By averaging the donations of engaged and non-engaged donors in 2016 and 2018, the assessment found that volunteers who participated in an activity gave greater donations both years. This paper outlines the possible strategies for nonprofit organizations to maintain their donors with the 80-20 rule which suggests that 80% of recurring donations come from volunteers and 20% come from grants, company sponsorships, and reaching individuals who have not been involved with the organization.. Keyword: - - - .× ![]() Arianne Goff, "An Evaluation of Engaged Vs. Non-Engaged Donors and the Impact on Donations at Samaritan’s Feet International" Vol 2-Issue 3 (48-85) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Data Mining Techniques for Handling Imbalanced Datasets: A Review
Author(s): P.Pavithra, S.Babu
Page(s): 86-90
In today’s era of internet the amount of data generation is rapidly increasing. Some of the data related to medical, e-commerce, social networking, etc. are of great importance. But many of these datasets are imbalanced. A data set is called skewed or imbalanced when one of the classes highly dominates the others which results in poor efficiency of a classifier. To balance the imbalanced datasets we are going to analyse various methods available for balancing the datasets. About 52 research papers have been reviewed in this paper to identify the various data mining techniques to balance the imbalanced dataset. Keyword: Imbalanced dataset, Balancing data, Data mining techniques.× ![]() P.Pavithra, S.Babu, "Data Mining Techniques for Handling Imbalanced Datasets: A Review" Vol 2-Issue 3 (86-90) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Mobile healthcare using Internet of Things
Author(s): I.Abinaya, S.Indumathi, N.Vani
Page(s): 91-94
Internet of Medical Things is an assortment of medical units with applications that connect hook up to healthcare IT systems through online PC networks. Medical devices designed with WiFi let the device to device interaction is the basis of IoMT. Examples of IoMT include rural patient monitoring of individual with chronic or long term conditions monitoring patient medication orders and the positioning of patients accepted to hospitals;and patient’s wearable mHealth devices, which can deliver data to care givers. IoT supporting clouds like Muzzley and AWS along with Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Protocol ensures quality of service. If any abnormal is being detected, a protocol will prudent the patient and the care giver instantaneously by sending an alert message to the care giver via the smart phone. Data security is accomplished by proper authentication and Device shadow will help to hold the persistent issue state during the intermittent connection. MQTT is preferred since it is simple to implement, light and bandwidth efficient. Keyword: IoT,Intel Galileo,Muzzley cloud ,MQTT,AWS.× ![]() P.Pavithra, S.Babu, "Data Mining Techniques for Handling Imbalanced Datasets: A Review" Vol 2-Issue 3 (91-94) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Effect of Silica-Titania Catalyst Loading on the Production of Biodiesel from Palm and Waste Cooking Oil
Author(s): Zurryati, Rita Sundari, Bahrizal, Ananda Putra, Latisma DJ, Edi Nasra, Desy Kurniawati, Umar Kalmar Nizar
Page(s): 95-100
A study about the effect silica-titania catalyst loading on biodiesel production from palm oil and waste oil has been conducted. The silica titania catalyst has been synthesized by solid state method and characterized by FTIR and DR UV-Vis to investigate the formation of Si-O-Ti bond from Si and Ti precursors. The synthesized silica-titania catalyst has been applied for biodiesel production with variation of catalyst mass to oil as to be 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 9%. The biodiesel products have been examined for their physical properties such as density, flow rate, and acid number. The percentage of conversion obtained to be 91% for waste cooking oil (1.33% FFA) and 33.33% for palm oil (0.374% FFA). The finding is justified that silica-titania catalyst has active acid site formed through Si-O-Ti bonding. Keyword: Silica-Titania Catalyst, Biodiesel, Titanium Tetrahedral, Transesterification, FFA.× ![]() Zurryati, Rita Sundari, Bahrizal, Ananda Putra, Latisma DJ, Edi Nasra, Desy Kurniawati, Umar Kalmar Nizar, "The Effect of Silica-Titania Catalyst Loading on the Production of Biodiesel from Palm and Waste Cooking Oil" Vol 2-Issue 3 (95-100) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assam Liquor Tragedy of 2019: A perspective
Author(s): Dr. Aniruddha Kumar Baro, Dr. Pranti Dutta
Page(s): 101-104
The incident of hooch tragedy in Assam exposed state’s inability to control excise activities and to educate people of the outcome from consuming illicit liquor. The commercialization of the liquor trade widened the scope for unethical production of alcohol which cost more than 150 lives in the district of Golaghat and Jorhat districts of Assam. Keyword: Alcohol, Assam, tragedy, tradition, business, Death.× ![]() Dr. Aniruddha Kumar Baro, Dr. Pranti Dutta, "Assam Liquor Tragedy of 2019: A perspective" Vol 2-Issue 3 (101-104) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement on Hearing Impaired and Normal Students
Author(s): Sangeeta Suman
Page(s): 105-113
The present study was undertaken to know about comparative study of academic achievement of hearing impaired and normal students. For the present study of sample 160 students will be selected. In the present study purposive sampling technique will be used. The study focuses on the actual need of hearing impaired students for academics. To take them in mainstream, we should aware about their special need. The finding of the study revealed that academic achievement will be low in hearing impaired students due to language barrier and much more. If the gap is fulfilled by trained and skilled teacher they can also do better in academics. Keyword: Academic achievement, Hearing impaired students , normal students.× ![]() Sangeeta Suman, "A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement on Hearing Impaired and Normal Students" Vol 2-Issue 3 (105-113) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Performance Analysis of Water-in-glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater
Author(s): Nikhil Chandratre, SandeshGaikwad,d ChaitanyaGirase, Dinesh Khairnar, B. P. Kumbhare
Page(s): 114-118
It is necessary to develop a technique of receiving and storing solar energy efficiently. Extensive research work is taking place worldwide in the area of Solar Water Heaters. The project aims at studying the performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater and to analyze the results obtained from the experimentation, which involves tilting evacuated tube at different angles and measuring the temperature of water in the tank over the period of time. Temperature is sensed by a suitable temperature sensor and those values are recorded manually. Those recorded values then used to obtain relationships between the inclination angle, temperature attained in the tank. A MATLAB code is used to plot temperature characteristics and calculate heat transfer coefficient. It also involves the determination of Heat gain and Heat loss from the tube at various angles of inclination during operation and suggesting the appropriate inclination angle with an efficiency point of view. Keyword: Evacuated tube collector, Solar water heater, Tube tilt angle, Thermal Performance.× ![]() Nikhil Chandratre, SandeshGaikwad,d ChaitanyaGirase, Dinesh Khairnar, B. P. Kumbhare "Performance Analysis of Water-in-glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater" Vol 2-Issue 3 (114-118) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Content Based Retrieval and Classification of Images Using Hybrid of HMMD Color Space
Author(s): Jasmeet Singh
Page(s): 119-126
With the development of the Internet, and the availability of image capturing devices such as digital cameras, image scanners, the size of digital image collection is increasing rapidly.. In CBIR, images are indexed by their visual content. Content based image retrieval consists of three parts: feature extraction, indexing and retrieval part. The techniques which are used to extract features of an image are called feature extraction techniques. The choice of features plays an important role in image retrieval. Some of the features used are color, texture and shape. Combination of these features provides better performance than single feature. Here we are extracting color mean features and color standard deviation feature with the proposed method consists of HMMD (Hue Min Max Difference) color plane. It is proved in research work that HMMD along with color mean features and color standard deviation feature is tend to reduced the size of feature vectors, storage space and gives high performance than, RGB-color mean feature. Further, HMMD color space model will be used to improve the feature extraction and improve the precision. At the end, results are presented to show the efficacy of the proposed method. Keyword: CBIR, HMMD,Content based image classification, Feature Extraction, Color Features, Naive Bayesian Classifier.× ![]() Jasmeet Singh, "Content Based Retrieval and Classification of Images Using Hybrid of HMMD Color Space" Vol 2-Issue 3 (119-126) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effects of Flow-Field Design on the Performance Characteristic of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Author(s): HoaBinh Pham, Thanh Cong Doan
Page(s): 127-130
Flow-field design of the bipolar plate plays an important role in the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), it contributes reactants through gas diffusion layers (GDL) to the membrane electrolyte assembly (MEA), current collection, providing structural support to the MEA, water management & thermal management and so on. As a result, the flow-field design entails the design of the flow fields on both surfaces of the plate with optimum design parameters to assume responsibility for the stability and high performance of fuel cell. In this paper, numerical analysis-based design of the bipolar plate is investigated to enhance the performance of PEM fuel cell through a comparative evaluation of the fuel cell performance when flexibility using the serpentine flow-field and the serpentine flow field with sub-channels design for anode and cathode bipolar plate. The results show that using the serpentine flow-field with design as the bipolar plates appropriately have many advantages in preventing the cathode flooding and anode drying; as a result, improving fuel cell performance.. Keyword: Proton exchange membrane, flow field pattern, temperature field, polymer electrolyte membrane, Computational Fluid Dynamics.× ![]() HoaBinh Pham, Thanh Cong Doan, "Effects of Flow-Field Design on the Performance Characteristic of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells" Vol 2-Issue 3 (127-130) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Non-Human Land Drone for Soldier and Border Security, Surveillance and Navigation System
Author(s): Mrs. Kokila K S, Ravikumar G N, Mujahid, Prasad M B, Supreeth B H
Page(s): 131-135
The military forces continuously tried to use new gadgets and weapons for reducing the chance of their casualties and to defeat their enemies. With the event of subtle technology, it principally depends on the high school weapons or machinery being employed. AI is one amongst the recent fields of recent age during which the nations area unit concentrating upon for military functions within the state of war and peace. they need been in use for a few time for demining and rescue operations however currently they're beneath analysis for combat or spy missions. within the future they'll be used for intelligence and police work, supplying and support, communications infrastructure, forward-deployed offensive operations, and as military science decoys to hide planner by manned assets. so as to create robots for the unheralded untidy atmosphere of the parcel, analysis on totally different aspects of robots is beneath investigation in laboratories to be able to do its job autonomously, as expeditiously as somebody's operated machine will do... Keyword: DC Motor, GPS, GSM, Gas sensor, IR senor, Metal detector sensor, Motor driver,Navigation system, Surveillance, Temperature sensor..× ![]() Mrs. Kokila K S, Ravikumar G N, Mujahid, Prasad M B, Supreeth B H, "Non-Human Land Drone for Soldier and Border Security, Surveillance and Navigation System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (131-135) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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GLCM-LBP Plant Leaf Disease Detection
Author(s): Samiksha Devi, Ritika, Bhanu Gupta
Page(s): 136-140
Agriculture is the backbone of the nation as it provides food and job opportunity to the humankinds and directly contributes to the economic growth of the nation. In agriculture, plant disease identification is more important one. If the diseases can be prevented early that would be more to helpful to farmers to save the crops. This paper presents as system for identification of disease of the plant by using symptoms on leaves. There are several methods reported in the literature to identify the disease. Moreover, many researchers paid their attention in identification of plant leaf disease and some of them used image processing and machine learning techniques to perform the disease prediction. This work presents a review on identification of plant disease using image processing and recognition. Disease detection involves the steps like image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Image processing is a method to covert an image into digital form and performs some operation on it. Feature extraction start from an initial set of measured data and builds derived values (features) intended to be informative and non–redundant, facilitating the subsequent learning and generalization steps, and in some cases leading to better human interpretation. The system applies GLCM and LBP for plant disease feature extraction using MATLAB. Keyword: Plant Disease, GLCM, LBP, MATLAB.× ![]() Samiksha Devi, Ritika, Bhanu Gupta, "GLCM-LBP Plant Leaf Disease Detection" Vol 2-Issue 3 (136-140) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Smart Soldier Jacket
Author(s): Mrs. Nandini S, Puneeth U E, Sudarshan H S, Sachin H K, Shivakumar A N
Page(s): 141-145
As the climatic conditions are changing rapidly, the winters are getting much colder, especially in northern region and the western region of India. Since we developed a smart army jacket using control media devices such as GSM, GPS, and SENSORS in the jacket. The smart army jacket aims for providing reliable health monitoring as well as position tracking of soldier. Some of climatically conditions are led to. unfortunate deaths of soldiers. This jacket can automatically sense the temperature inside, outside using temperature sensors. We are using coils for heating purpose and the temperature of the coil will depends on the outer temperature. GPS, GSM are the models used for communication purpose. Hence for monitoring the health and the heart rate of the soldier health monitoring equipment sensors are been establish in the jacket as well. Keyword: Atmega328 microcontroller, Electric coils, Arduino uno, GPS and GSM modules, LM35,temperature sensor, Heartbeat sensor, battery, etcs.× ![]() Mrs. Nandini S, Puneeth U E, Sudarshan H S, Sachin H K, Shivakumar A N, "Smart Soldier Jacket" Vol 2-Issue 3 (141-145) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot
Author(s): S. P. Rohith, A. Mohamed Sharif, S. Jayasankar, M. Harikrishnan
Page(s): 146-151
Rubik’s cube is considered to be the most challenging puzzle developed for humans. Building a robot to solve such a puzzle is a challenging task. In this paper, the design of such an Autonomous Rubik’s cube solver using Arduino Mega 2560 has been discussed. The paper deals with the overall process flow for solving the cube. Color recognition is used for detecting the initial orientation of the cube. Segmentation is used to obtain the HSV mask and thus the color pattern of the scrambled cube. Dot sampling is incorporated to improve the accuracy of the color recognition and segmentation processes. Finally, the categories of solution using Layer by Layer (LBL) algorithm for solving the cube has been shown. Keyword: Autonomous System, Color Recognition, Dot Sampling, Rubik’s cube.× ![]() S. P. Rohith, A. Mohamed Sharif, S. Jayasankar, M. Harikrishnan, "Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot" Vol 2-Issue 3 (146-151) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Telemedicine Application Based Automatic Eye Cataract Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB
Author(s): Ms. Prafulla P S, Kavyashree K T, Arpitha P, Sowmya T S, Nireeksha M Y
Page(s): 152-156
This paper proposes and evaluates an algorithm to automatically detect the cataracts from color images in adult human subjects. Currently, methods available for cataract detection are based on the use of either fundus camera or Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera; both are very expensive. The main motive behind this work is to develop an inexpensive, robust and convenient algorithm which in conjugation with suitable devices will be able to diagnose the presence of cataract from the true color images of an eye. An algorithm is proposed for cataract screening based on texture features: uniformity, intensity and standard deviation. These features are first computed and mapped with diagnostic opinion by the eye expert to define the basic threshold of screening system and later tested on real subjects in an eye clinic. Finally, a tele-ophthalmology model using our proposed system has been suggested, which confirms the telemedicine application of the proposed system. Keyword: Tele-ophthalmology, Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera, SVM Classifier.× ![]() Ms. Prafulla P S, Kavyashree K T, Arpitha P, Sowmya T S, Nireeksha M Y, "Telemedicine Application Based Automatic Eye Cataract Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB" Vol 2-Issue 3 (152-156) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Data Mining Approach of Detection of Fake News on Social Media
Author(s): B.Umamaheswari, Dr. Vijeta Kumawat
Page(s): 157-160
The advantage of easy accessibility, less expensive and faster reach to more people in less time has made the news on social media gaining popularity in recent years but at the same time it faced the problem on quality of news spread compared to other standard traditional media such as newspaper and TV channels. How the people are victimized by the fake news is the major concern. Also identifying such fake news has become almost a challenge. In this paper we will see how data mining is providing solution to identify fake news on social media. Keyword: Fake news, Traditional media, social media , detection.× ![]() B.Umamaheswari, Dr. Vijeta Kumawat, "A Data Mining Approach of Detection of Fake News on Social Media" Vol 2-Issue 3 (157-160) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Step Forward to a Smart Grid by Implanting Smart Monitoring System
Author(s): V.Prasath, Dr.V.Chandrasekar, Mrs.N.Pushpalatha, Mr.S.Sheikameer Batcha
Page(s): 161-167
By development of smart Grid, renewable energy such as wind generation (WG) and photovoltaic generation (PV) are getting attention in distributionsystems. Additionally, all-electric apartment houses or residence such as DC smart houses are increasing.However, due to the fluctuating power from renewable energy sources and loads, supply-demandbalancing of power system becomes problematic. Smart grid is a solution to this problem. This paperpresents a methodology for optimal operations of a smart grid, to minimize the power flow fluctuation by reduceinterconnection point and over load connection. To achieve the proposed optimal operation, we use distributed controllable loadssuch as halogen lamps and fans. By minimizing the interconnection point and over load, it is possible to reduce the electric power consumption and the cost of electricity. This system consists of battery, solar collector, and load.Energy efficient smart buildings are possible by integrating smart meter, smart sockets, domestic renewableenergy generation and energy storage systems for integrated energy management, and this integratedsystem supports demand side load management, distributed generation and distributed storageprovisions of future smart grids. Coming era of smart grids has implications for domestic DC distributionconcepts with smarts sockets. Keyword: DC distribution Home electronics appliances Smart buildings and systems Demand side load management Smart grid DC smart house optimal operation Interconnection point power flow and load shedding.× ![]() V.Prasath, Dr.V.Chandrasekar, Mrs.N.Pushpalatha, Mr.S.Sheikameer Batcha, "A Step Forward to a Smart Grid by Implanting Smart Monitoring System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (161-167) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Analysis Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the UTAUT2 Model (A Case Study of OVO in Indonesia)
Author(s): Eka Latifah Anggraini, Indira Rachmawati
Page(s): 168-175
Although it is already proven that the growth of non-cash transaction promotes economic efficiency, the percentage of non-cash instruments used in Indonesia is still low compared to the internet or smartphone penetrations. Thus, to analyze one of the non-cash instruments adoption rate, the researcher conducted research using OVO application as the object. This research aims to find out the factors influencing the adoption of OVO in Indonesia using the UTAUT2 model and provide suggestion to the company related to respondents’ perception toward it. Based on the 400 valid responses, the results show that most of the variables in UTAUT2 model (social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), behavioral intention (BI), and trust (TR)) have a positive influence on the adoption variable except for performance expectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) variables. It also shows that facilitating conditions (FC) are the key determinant of customers' intention to use the services. Keyword: Adoption, Non-cash Transaction, OVO, UTAUT2, Indonesia.× ![]() Eka Latifah Anggraini, Indira Rachmawati, "Analysis Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the UTAUT2 Model (A Case Study of OVO in Indonesia)" Vol 2-Issue 3 (168-175) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Survey: Sentiment Stress Identification Using Tensi/Strength Framework
Author(s): Mrs. Reshma Radheshamjee Baheti, Prof. S.A.Kinariwala
Page(s): 176-180
Although it is already proven that the growth of non-cash transaction promotes economic efficiency, the percentage of non-cash instruments used in Indonesia is still low compared to the internet or smartphone penetrations. Thus, to analyze one of the non-cash instruments adoption rate, the researcher conducted research using OVO application as the object. This research aims to find out the factors influencing the adoption of OVO in Indonesia using the UTAUT2 model and provide suggestion to the company related to respondents’ perception toward it. Based on the 400 valid responses, the results show that most of the variables in UTAUT2 model (social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), behavioral intention (BI), and trust (TR)) have a positive influence on the adoption variable except for performance expectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) variables. It also shows that facilitating conditions (FC) are the key determinant of customers' intention to use the services. Keyword: Adoption, Non-cash Transaction, OVO, UTAUT2, Indonesia.× ![]() Mrs. Reshma Radheshamjee Baheti, Prof. S.A.Kinariwala, "Survey: Sentiment Stress Identification Using Tensi/Strength Framework" Vol 2-Issue 3 (176-180) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic based Indexing
Author(s): Berhanu Anbase
Page(s): 181-274
As storage becomes more sufficient and less expensive, the amount of information retained by businesses and institutions is likely to increase. For these increasing amounts of information, they need efficient and effective index structure when we have to find needed information. Indexing is an offline process for organizing collection of documents using indexing structure such as Inverted file, sequential files and signature file to save storage memory space and speed up searching time.However, since there are usually many ways to express the same concept, the terms in the users query may not appear in a relevant document. Alternatively, many words can have more than one meaning. So the standard information retrieval models (e.g., Boolean, standard vector, probabilistic) treat words as if they are independent, although it is quite obvious that they are not.Due to these facts term matching methods are likely to miss relevant documents and also retrieve irrelevant ones. Therefore, to solve this issue, we have developed Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic-based Indexing. This technique of information retrieval can partially handle these problems by organizing terms and documents into a semantic based indexing structure more appropriate for information retrieval. Semantic indexing information retrieval is a new technique which is based on vector representation of documents and user‟s query. Because it uses concepts or topics instead of each words to index and retrieve the documents, consequently allowing a relevant document to be retrieved even when it shares no common words with in the query.In this study, the potential of applications of Latent Semantic indexing approach in Afaan Oromoo text retrieval is investigated. 70 Afaan Oromoo documents and nine (9) queries were used to test the approach. Automatic indexing of the documents resulted in some unique terms which are not in the stop-word list used for the thesis. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of the term by document matrix is used for indexing and retrieval system. The performance of the system after User Relevance Feedback is measured using recall and precision. Therefore; the experiment shows that the performance of the prototype is on the average 0.67(67%) precision and 0.63(63%) recall registered. Finally, the recommendations can be forwarded based on the applications resource that the performance of the LSI system can be improved by designing good stemmer and standard corpus for Afaan Oromoo languages.. Keyword: Information Retrieval, Afaan Oromo, Latent Semantic indexing, Singular Value Decomposition.× ![]() Berhanu Anbase, "Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic based Indexing" Vol 2-Issue 3 (181-274) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effect of Stiffness on Different Shapes of Building to Seismic Zones
Author(s): Avantika H. Dahikar, Valsson Varghese ,Vinayak D. Vaidya
Page(s): 275-287
The objective is to conduct a literature review to provide importance to develop a computational model on which linear/non-linear, static/ dynamic analysis is performed. The first part of this chapter presents a summary of various parameters defining the computational models, the basic assumptions and the geometry of the selected building considered for this study.Analysis of any structure for resisting earthquake is the basic need of this study. In this project analysis of a seismic resistant structure is a need of concern, and thereby establishing a comparison between structures with different plan geometry. Here the study is carried out for the behaviour of G + 5 H shaped buildings. The proposed H shaped building size is 29 x 35 m and also properties are defined for the building structure. The model of the building is created in STAAD Pro software . The properties are defined as per IS 1893: 2002 part1. The seismic zone considered for the model of building are in IV zone and soil type is medium. The modelling of building is done for Indian seismic zone IV IS1893 -2002.For given structure loading with applied loads includes live load, earthquake zone and dead load accordingly .Load consumptions are also provided according to the IS1893(part 1):2002.The analysis is carried out to determine max node, displacement and base shear ,stiffness. After analysis results are obtained in the form of graphs which are in turn observed to form conclusions. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Avantika H. Dahikar, Valsson Varghese ,Vinayak D. Vaidya, "Effect of Stiffness on Different Shapes of Building to Seismic Zones" Vol 2-Issue 3 (275-287) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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RP-90: Formulation of Two Special Classes of Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus- A Power of Three
Author(s): B M Roy
Page(s): 288-291
In this paper, two special types of standard cubic congruence of composite modulus—a power of three, are considered for study and are formulated. Formulation of the solutions is proved time-saving, simple and quick. It made finding solutions of cubic congruence of composite modulus easy. Solutions can also be obtained orally. Formulation is the merit of the paper. Keyword: Binomial Theorem, Cubic Congruence, Composite Modulus.× ![]() B M Roy, "RP-90: Formulation of Two Special Classes of Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus- A Power of Three" Vol 2-Issue 3 (288-291) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Extent and Significance of the Drivers of Adoption-Use of Open Source ERP by Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya
Author(s): James Mwikya Reuben, Dr. Johnmark Obura, Dr. Moses Oginda
Page(s): 292-310
In this paper, two special types of standard cubic congruence of composite modulus—a power of three, are considered for study and are formulated. Formulation of the solutions is proved time-saving, simple and quick. It made finding solutions of cubic congruence of composite modulus easy. Solutions can also be obtained orally. Formulation is the merit of the paper. Keyword: Binomial Theorem, Cubic Congruence, Composite Modulus.× ![]() James Mwikya Reuben, Dr. Johnmark Obura, Dr. Moses Oginda, "The Extent and Significance of the Drivers of Adoption-Use of Open Source ERP by Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya" Vol 2-Issue 3 (292-310) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Smart School Bus Monitoring System Using RFID
Author(s): Swapnali Nikam, Ashwini Khaire,Rupali Surse,Bhagyasri Kothawade
Page(s): 311-316
On reviewing the past work of school bus tracking, monitoring and alerting system, there is a possibility to categorize various methodologies and identify new trends. One among them is a challenge for vehicle tracking, monitoring and alerting system. Now-a-days with the increase in the crime rate and accidents, Student often get on the wrong buses and get off at the wrong stop. Bus drivers may be unable to identify all student and will not know in time if a student is missing. Parents have no way of knowing if there ward is safe until the evening when the returns there is no provision to monitor driving with in speed limit unscheduled deviation. School student aren’t allow phones. Working parents have no way of knowing if and when there kids get home. There is no reliable method for tackling delays or accidents, which further aggravate parents. This project makes use of the applicability of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for tracking and monitoring children during their trip to and from school on school buses. And it has the advantage of efficient tracking capabilities, low cost and easy maintenance. The RFID tags are effective and it is used for tracking and monitoring children. Fire sensor is also used in this project to detect any fire accidents. send a message to the parents through SMS. The system consists of three main units, bus unit, parent unit and school unit. The bus unit is used to detect when a child enters/exits from the bus using RFID Card. This information is communicated to the parent unit and school unit that identify the presence of children . The system tracks the school bus by the IOT. Keyword: Global Position System, Radio Frequency Identification, PIC16F877A microcontroller, Sensors. .× ![]() Swapnali Nikam, Ashwini Khaire,Rupali Surse,Bhagyasri Kothawade, "Smart School Bus Monitoring System Using RFID" Vol 2-Issue 3 (311-316) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Trend Analysis of Coral Reef Presence in ST. Martin’s Island
Author(s): Md Atiqur Rahman, Shoyeb Muhammad Musfique
Page(s): 317-321
Land use is a continuous and ever changing process. Remote sensing and GIS technique supplemented by ground truth data have been used to prepare land use map of St. Martin’s Island. The land use map shows the change of coral quantity of the Island. Medium scale Landsat TM, and OLI/TIRS satellite imageries were used for this study. There are different type of land use has identified but coral reef are found around most of the island. The land area used of coral reef decreases 0.81% has found during analysis of land use map. This change has made in a 10 years period. Keyword: Remote sensing and GIS, Land use, Coral reef.× ![]() Md Atiqur Rahman, Shoyeb Muhammad Musfique, "Trend Analysis of Coral Reef Presence in ST. Martin’s Island" Vol 2-Issue 3 (317-321) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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IOT Based Illegal Tree Cutting Prevention and Monitoring with Web Application
Author(s): Raghavendra L R ,Vivek B T ,Suhas Gowda K R, Vijay Kumar M, Vineeth M S
Page(s): 322-328
The trafficking of trees is a very long and regretful issue. Cutting of trees like Red sanders, Teak wood, Sandal wood are still a great difficult. In spite of increasing technology, safety for trees in a large area like forest is hard. It is also luxurious to implement. We are making a system that can avoid the trafficking of trees in forest. The systems comprise of Raspberry pi interfaced with flex sensor, fire sensor, and Relay. In case of problems the tree unit module along with the particular geographical location using GSM. And also real time data is being reorganized from the tree unit to the monitoring section using IOT. This safeguards data security and provides privacy. Keyword: trees, accessible, smuggling, woods, forest.× ![]() Raghavendra L R ,Vivek B T ,Suhas Gowda K R, Vijay Kumar M, Vineeth M S, "IOT Based Illegal Tree Cutting Prevention and Monitoring with Web Application" Vol 2-Issue 3 (322-328) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Delays in Construction Projects: Analysis of Critical Risk Factors in Small Brazilian Companies
Author(s): Andrey Pimentel Aleluia Freitas, Joao Alberto Neves dos Santos, Joaquim Teixeira Netto, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de Oliveira
Page(s): 329-338
The risks in the construction sector present complexity in the operational processes that usually affect the deadlines in the project schedules. Although risk management composes the structure of project management, its operationalization is not adopted by many companies in the sector, especially the smaller ones. This article aims to identify and prioritize the main risk factors that have an impact on the delays in the construction projects of the small construction companies in Basil. Based on the literature, 43 risk factors associated with the construction environment were identified, however, after the application of a preliminary questionnaire, only 26 factors were directly related to delays in the projects of small construction companies. A survey was applied to 133 professionals working in small builders. After verifying the content validity and consistency of the instrument, the data obtained were a normal distribution. Through exploratory factor analysis, six critical risk factors were identified and hierarchized, according to their levels of relevance for professionals in the sector. The results presented aim to contribute to the effectiveness of the risk management processes, to minimize the factors that potentiate the risk of delay in small projects in the construction sector. Keyword: Construction projects, Factor analysis, Project delays, Risk factors.× ![]() Andrey Pimentel Aleluia Freitas, Joao Alberto Neves dos Santos, Joaquim Teixeira Netto, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de Oliveira "Delays in Construction Projects: Analysis of Critical Risk Factors in Small Brazilian Companies" Vol 2-Issue 3 (329-338) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Tree Leaves And Fruits Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Author(s): Nivetha.I, Dr.Padmaa.M
Page(s): 339-342
The purpose of Agriculture is growing the plants and feed the people. But it’s an essential source of energy and a solution to solve the difficulty of global warming. Plant diseases are extremely full size, as that may adversely affect both best and quantity of vegetation in agriculture manufacturing. Plant sickness prognosis may be very critical in earlier degree as a way to cure and manipulate them. Tree leaves and fruit diseases can increase the cost of agricultural production and may extend to total economic calamity of a producer if not cured appropriately at beginning stage. It includes image segmentation and image classification approach to predict various types of diseases using Otsu thresholding method and Convolutional neural network. Keyword: Apple, grape, pomegranate fruits and leaves images with disease, Feature extraction,Classification, Convolutional Neural Network, Disease detection.× ![]() Nivetha.I, Dr.Padmaa.M "Tree Leaves And Fruits Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks" Vol 2-Issue 3 (339-342) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Statistical Modelling and Optimization of the Performance Enhancement of Ubakala Clay for Use as Drilling Mud
Author(s): Allison,F.N, Nwanekezie,M.N, Osoka,E.C
Page(s): 343-347
This work studied the performance enhancement of Ubakala clay for use as drilling mud. A clay sample was collected from Ubakala in Abia State of Nigeria, processed and beneficiated with varying concentrations of soda ash (0-6wt %). Experiments were conducted to determine the viscosities of the control and clay-soda ash mixture at different curing time intervals (0-8hours), temperatures (30OC-90OC) and speed of agitation (100rpm-600rpm). Response surface methodology, with the aid of MATLAB statistical toolbox was used to perform a statistical study and optimization of the data obtained from the study. The results revealed that soda ash concentrations, temperature, curing time and their interactions terms are significant variables in the statistical model with temperature being the most significant term, while time is the least significant term. The graphical representation of the control showed a decreasing rate in viscosity within the required range of speed of agitation unlike those of the clay- soda ash mixture. The optimum predicted value of yield stress occurs for a curing time of 8hours, temperature of 900C and soda ash concentration of 5.183wt% and this is recommended as the operating parameters for enhancing the performance of Ubakala clay sample for use as a drilling mud. Keyword: clay, drilling mud, rheological study, model, viscosity, optimization.× ![]() Allison,F.N, Nwanekezie,M.N, Osoka,E.C "Statistical Modelling and Optimization of the Performance Enhancement of Ubakala Clay for Use as Drilling Mud" Vol 2-Issue 3 (343-347) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Survey of Broadband Situations in Rural and Remote Areas: A Case Study of Sambisa Forest in Northeast Nigeria
Author(s): Ifeanyi B.Ezugwu, Brice Noumsi Damien, Oladejo M.Comfort
Page(s): 348-354
There has been a growing raise in the use of mobile smart devices for accessing of the internet in present times. Therefore, provision of affordable and reliable internet access to rural areas will go a long way to boost socio economic development of such areas. It is important to note that insurgency and violence is one of the factors prevailing against infrastructural development in many rural and remote communities in developing countries. Sambisa forest in the north-eastern Nigeria is one of such remote arears that has been very negatively affected by insecurity, insurgence and violence. This paper presents broadband communications as a low cost alternative to the challenges inherent with providing fibre-optics based terrestrial internet links to areas that are highly prone to insurgency and violence.It also presents satellite and worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) technologies as a suitable solution to the problem of reliable and affordable high speed internet access in the Sambisa area. These two technologies proposed in this study will provide a wider coverage area and eliminate the seemingly communication and social development problems in Sambisa forest. Keyword: Sambisa, VSAT, DSL, WiMAX.× ![]() Ifeanyi B.Ezugwu, Brice Noumsi Damien, Oladejo M.Comfort "Statistical Modelling and Optimization of the Performance Enhancement of Ubakala Clay for Use as Drilling Mud" Vol 2-Issue 3 (348-354) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Investigation of Machinery Health Analysing Characteristics of Vibration Using Comprehensive Experimental Setup
Author(s): Arifur Rahman, Md. Emdadul Hoque, Shaikh Sumit Noor
Page(s): 348-354
The goal of this paper is to interpret the condition of a machine by investigating the experimental data obtained using CSI 2140 machinery health analyzer from a multi-functioning arrangement. The multi-functioning arrangement consists of pulleys, shafts, ball-bearings, overhung impeller and an electric motor as a power source. These elements generate different forms of vibrational complications. These complications are measured in terms of frequency, amplitude and phase angle and compared with the ISO standard to determine machinery health. The Analyzer helps for the exact determination of the characteristics of the vibration. An experimental setup has been designed and fabricated to create and solve the vibrational complexities. In this research, mass imbalance has been detected and figured out the proper measures such as the polar plot analysis to reduce the severity of vibration and attain the desired level of the vibration according to ISO standard. Keyword: Vibration analysis, Mass imbalance, Machinery health, Condition monitoring.× ![]() Arifur Rahman, Md. Emdadul Hoque, Shaikh Sumit Noor "Investigation of Machinery Health Analysing Characteristics of Vibration Using Comprehensive Experimental Setup" Vol 2-Issue 3 (355-361) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon From Cacao Shell (Theobroma cacao L.)
Author(s): Rizqika Ulfah, Ananda Putra
Page(s): 362-370
The goal of this paper is to interpret the condition of a machine by investigating the experimental data obtained using CSI 2140 machinery health analyzer from a multi-functioning arrangement. The multi-functioning arrangement consists of pulleys, shafts, ball-bearings, overhung impeller and an electric motor as a power source. These elements generate different forms of vibrational complications. These complications are measured in terms of frequency, amplitude and phase angle and compared with the ISO standard to determine machinery health. The Analyzer helps for the exact determination of the characteristics of the vibration. An experimental setup has been designed and fabricated to create and solve the vibrational complexities. In this research, mass imbalance has been detected and figured out the proper measures such as the polar plot analysis to reduce the severity of vibration and attain the desired level of the vibration according to ISO standard. Keyword: Vibration analysis, Mass imbalance, Machinery health, Condition monitoring.× ![]() Rizqika Ulfah, Ananda Putra "Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon From Cacao Shell (Theobroma cacao L.)" Vol 2-Issue 3 (362-370) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Opinion Mining and Predicting Reviews for E-commerce
Author(s): Sayli A.Hon, Pritee V.Shirsath, Sheetal K.Pendhari, Rupali R.Bhorkade
Page(s): 371-374
Online business is the easiest way of shopping. In online business, users can buy the products by viewing the feedbacks or reviews of the other users who are used the products earlier. Based on those opinions the product can get rank. But the user has to read a lot of reviews for a particular product in order to get the best product. It was the time taking process. In this paper we are supposed to propose a system that we can directly collect the reviews of the products from online and by comparing those reviews we can get the best product based on the good opinions given by earlier users of that product. Keyword: feedback,reviews, aspect mining, online business.× ![]() Sayli A.Hon, Pritee V.Shirsath, Sheetal K.Pendhari, Rupali R.Bhorkade "Opinion Mining and Predicting Reviews for E-commerce" Vol 2-Issue 3 (371-374) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Iot Implementation for Preventing Two-Wheeler Accident Detection with Call Control
Author(s): Deepak K C, Rakesh B K, Faisal Ahmed, DR. Prabhanjan S
Page(s): 375-383
The system is to build a safety system, which is integrated with the smart system and intelligent bike to reduce the probability of two-wheeler accidents and drunk, and drive cases. Alcohol sensors detect the alcoholic content in the rider’s breath. When the rider is on the bike if there is alcohol content found in rider’s breath, the bike remains off. The bike will not start until the rider blows the air and if there is no alcoholic content present stating that rider did not consume alcohol.When the rider crashes, bike hits the ground and sensors detect the motion, tilt of bike, and report the occurrence of an accident and sends information of the location of accident to the family members of the rider and the emergency contact numbers. Keyword: Intelligent, integrated, sensors, mobile application, safety system.× ![]() Deepak K C, Rakesh B K, Faisal Ahmed, DR. Prabhanjan S "Iot Implementation for Preventing Two-Wheeler Accident Detection with Call Control" Vol 2-Issue 3 (375-383) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Impact of Packaging Factors on Consumer Behaviour: A Study on FMCG stock
Author(s): Maloth Naresh Naik, Dr. Rambabu Lavuri
Page(s): 384-394
Product Packaging is assumed a crucial job in the manufacture an appropriate affordable favourable position and it is one of the significant devices for advertising to impart the intended interest group by best bundling variables. The point of paper is to examine the variables of FMCG item bundling. The motivation behind this paper is to assess the effect of packaging factors on buy conduct of buyers towards chose FMCG stocks. In the extent of study was restricted to Hyderabad city. A structure poll was utilized to gauge the effect of bundling factors on buy conduct of shoppers and each age of the individual was focused in this examination consider for to get the buy conduct of purchaser towards FMCG with chose items, with test measure 825 respondents and tried through expressive insights, rates, ANOVA, connection and different relapse investigation by utilizing SPSS 20.0 Version. The consequence of the examination demonstrated that, HO1 reveals that there is a measurable hugeness of item related factors on the statistic elements of customers and pursued. With H02, there are an essentials effect of FMCG Packaging factors on the buyer purchasing conduct and connection results demonstrates that their solid connection between the education and Income in rupees with the packaging variables, and packaging factors like Product Safety, eco-friendly packaging, quality bundling having great relationship with the buy conduct of the buyers. Keyword: Packaging, Product, Product Safety, Eco-friendly packaging, quality packaging, consumer behaviour.× ![]() Maloth Naresh Naik, Dr. Rambabu Lavuri "Impact of Packaging Factors on Consumer Behaviour: A Study on FMCG stock" Vol 2-Issue 3 (384-394) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Survey Paper On Twitter Data Analysis And Visualization Using The R Language With Hadoop
Author(s): Chincholkar A.B, Pardeshi Nisha, Dabhade Madhuri, Jadhav Vrushali, Sayyad Farhin
Page(s): 395-400
Product Packaging is assumed a crucial job in the manufacture an appropriate affordable favourable position and it is one of the significant devices for advertising to impart the intended interest group by best bundling variables. The point of paper is to examine the variables of FMCG item bundling. The motivation behind this paper is to assess the effect of packaging factors on buy conduct of buyers towards chose FMCG stocks. In the extent of study was restricted to Hyderabad city. A structure poll was utilized to gauge the effect of bundling factors on buy conduct of shoppers and each age of the individual was focused in this examination consider for to get the buy conduct of purchaser towards FMCG with chose items, with test measure 825 respondents and tried through expressive insights, rates, ANOVA, connection and different relapse investigation by utilizing SPSS 20.0 Version. The consequence of the examination demonstrated that, HO1 reveals that there is a measurable hugeness of item related factors on the statistic elements of customers and pursued. With H02, there are an essentials effect of FMCG Packaging factors on the buyer purchasing conduct and connection results demonstrates that their solid connection between the education and Income in rupees with the packaging variables, and packaging factors like Product Safety, eco-friendly packaging, quality bundling having great relationship with the buy conduct of the buyers. Keyword: Packaging, Product, Product Safety, Eco-friendly packaging, quality packaging, consumer behaviour.× ![]() Chincholkar A.B, Pardeshi Nisha, Dabhade Madhuri, Jadhav Vrushali, Sayyad Farhin "A Survey Paper On Twitter Data Analysis And Visualization Using The R Language With Hadoop" Vol 2-Issue 3 (395-400) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Approximate Bone Analysis
Author(s): Bindushree S, Chaithra R, Shreelakshmi S J, G Narayanaswamy
Page(s): 401-405
The paper presents that the results of approximate bone analysis. Here by using a software called COMSOL Multiphysis, we created a appropriate bone model in the geometry plane of the software used. Then by fixing the bottom of bone model we apply different pressure on the top and by observing the plots Von-mises stress and displacement we can analyze the bone. Keyword: COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, Approximate bone, Calcareus fractures, Displacement.× ![]() Bindushree S, Chaithra R, Shreelakshmi S J, G Narayanaswamy "Approximate Bone Analysis" Vol 2-Issue 3 (401-405) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Kinetic Study of Banana Stalk Ash Assisted Bioremediation of Crude-oil Contaminated Soil Based on Biomass Growth
Author(s): Osoka,E.C, Kefas,H.M, Igboko,N, Anyikwa,S.O.
Page(s): 406-412
This work studies the kinetics of bioremediation of Crude Oil contaminated soil using banana stalk ash as a bio-stimulant, by studying the kinetics of biomass growth and nature of yield. Twelve samples of soil contaminated with 20g to 60g of Crude oil and with 0g to 60g of banana stalk ash added as bio-stimulant were studied based on the total petroleum hydrocarbon. The experimental data obtained were fit to four models based on biomass growth kinetics and yield using the Curve-fitting toolbox of MATLAB software and compared based on their adjusted R-square. The analysis of the results reveal that the biomass growth follows the logistic growth model with varying yield for all twelve experiments, with or without addition of bio-stimulant, to an accuracy of more than 99% thus making it the model of choice for explaining banana talk ash assisted bioremediation.. Keyword: bioremediation, banana stalk ash, biomass growth, yield, kinetics, bio-stimulant.× ![]() Osoka,E.C, Kefas,H.M, Igboko,N, Anyikwa,S.O "Kinetic Study of Banana Stalk Ash Assisted Bioremediation of Crude-oil Contaminated Soil Based on Biomass Growth " Vol 2-Issue 3 (406-412) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Static Flexural Analysis of Thick Beam Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory
Author(s): N.G.Patil, Dr.G.R.Gandhe, D.H.Tupe, D.B.Gaidhane
Page(s): 413-420
In the present study, a higher order shear deformation theory is developed for static flexure analysis of thick isotropic beam. Cantilever beam is analyzed for the axial displacement, Transverse displacement, Axial bending stress and transverse shear stress. The governing differential equation and boundary conditions of the theory are obtained by the principle of virtual work. The numerical results have been computed for various length to thickness ratios of the beams and the results obtained are compared with those of Elementary, Timoshenko, trigonometric and other hyperbolic shear deformation theories and with the available solution in the literature. Keyword: bioremediation, banana stalk ash, biomass growth, yield, kinetics, bio-stimulant.× ![]() N.G.Patil, Dr.G.R.Gandhe, D.H.Tupe, D.B.Gaidhane "Kinetic Study of Banana Stalk Ash Assisted Bioremediation of Crude-oil Contaminated Soil Based on Biomass Growth " Vol 2-Issue 3 (413-420) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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“Nirbhaya” with U- A Women’s Safety Device
Author(s): DK.Shende, Ganesh Kalyankar
Page(s): 421-427
In the present study, a higher order shear deformation theory is developed for static flexure analysis of thick isotropic beam. Cantilever beam is analyzed for the axial displacement, Transverse displacement, Axial bending stress and transverse shear stress. The governing differential equation and boundary conditions of the theory are obtained by the principle of virtual work. The numerical results have been computed for various length to thickness ratios of the beams and the results obtained are compared with those of Elementary, Timoshenko, trigonometric and other hyperbolic shear deformation theories and with the available solution in the literature. Keyword: bioremediation, banana stalk ash, biomass growth, yield, kinetics, bio-stimulant.× ![]() DK.Shende, Ganesh Kalyankar “Nirbhaya” with U- A Women’s Safety Device Vol 2-Issue 3 (421-427) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effective Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T From aqueous Solution using γ -Fe2O3 nanopowder
Author(s): Mohan.S, Manjunath.R, B.M.Nagabhushana, Chikkahanumantharayappa, C. Shivakumara
Page(s): 428-437
In this study, nano sized γ-Fe2O3 powder was prepared by low temperature combustion method and used as an effective adsorbent for the removal of toxic azo dye, Eriochrome Black T from aqueous solution. The powder was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR). The XRD results reveals the formation of well crystalline Fe2O3 in hexagonal phase along with small Fe3O4 impurity peaks. The adsorption studies were carried on 10 ppm dye solution at different parameters like Initial dye concentration, adsorbent dosage and contact time. The experimental result shows that, the maximum percentage adsorption (70%) is observed at 40 mg of γ -Fe2O3 nano powder, at contact time of 8 min. Keyword: solution combustion, PXRD, FTIR, SEM, Adsorption, waste water.× ![]() Mohan.S, Manjunath.R, B.M.Nagabhushana, Chikkahanumantharayappa, C. Shivakumara "Effective Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T From aqueous Solution using γ -Fe2O3 nanopowder" Vol 2-Issue 3 (428-437) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Biosorption of Plumbum Ions by Immobilized Lengkeng(Euphorialogan lour) Shell
Author(s): Dicko Kharisma Putra, Bahrizal, Mawardi, Sri Benti Etika, Desy Kurniawati
Page(s): 438-442
The plumbum ions biosorption was batch method by silica immobilized lengkeng shell has been conducted. The biosorbents obtained were characterized using FTIR. The spectrum shows the bonding of immobilized lengkeng shell, seen in wave number 3355.52 cm-1 is OH group, wave number 1637.09 cm-1 is group C=O and wave number 1063.91 cm-1 which is the Si-O-Si group. The uptake capacity on plumbum ions have been examined for influence of pH and concentration solutions. The proceedswas foundat pH 6, and concentration solutions 550 mg/L are the optimum adsorption of plumbum ionswith maximum uptake capacity was 29.67 mg/g. Keyword: Biosorption, plumbum, immobilization, lengkeng shell, batch method.× ![]() Dicko Kharisma Putra, Bahrizal, Mawardi, Sri Benti Etika, Desy Kurniawati "Biosorption of Plumbum Ions by Immobilized Lengkeng(Euphorialogan lour) Shell" Vol 2-Issue 3 (438-442) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automation in Measurement of RLC
Author(s): Shubham Avhad,Tanmay Gore, Vikrant Chincholkar, Vedant Satpute
Page(s): 443-446
Measurement of electrical parameter such as Inductance (L), Capacitance(C), and Resistance(R) plays an integral role in the real world implementation of the circuits. This paper is focused on automatically detection of elements such as resistor, inductor, capacitor and measurement of parameters related to it.This simple techniques leads a low cost device at the beginner level. The device uses ArduinoNano for detection of elements with auto scaling and auto ranging functions. The reason behind the implementation of this device is that traditional method uses manual work of knob selection which is time consuming. By understanding the physical characteristics of these devices we can detect and measure them through automation. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Shubham Avhad, Tanmay Gore, Vikrant Chincholkar, Vedant Satpute "Automation in Measurement of RLC" Vol 2-Issue 3 (443-446) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Performance Enhancement For Smart Antenna Using Arls Technique
Author(s): Rohit Bansal, Vishal Garg, Manpreet Kaur
Page(s): 447-451
Measurement of electrical parameter such as Inductance (L), Capacitance(C), and Resistance(R) plays an integral role in the real world implementation of the circuits. This paper is focused on automatically detection of elements such as resistor, inductor, capacitor and measurement of parameters related to it.This simple techniques leads a low cost device at the beginner level. The device uses ArduinoNano for detection of elements with auto scaling and auto ranging functions. The reason behind the implementation of this device is that traditional method uses manual work of knob selection which is time consuming. By understanding the physical characteristics of these devices we can detect and measure them through automation. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Rohit Bansal, Vishal Garg, Manpreet Kaur "Performance Enhancement For Smart Antenna Using Arls Technique" Vol 2-Issue 3 (447-451) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Survey on Secure Data Accessing and Sharing Using Cryptographic Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment
Author(s): J.Mala, Dr.A.N.Jayanthi, S.Rajesh
Page(s): 452-455
Data sharing in the cloud is a method that allows users to conveniently access data over the cloud. The data owner outsources their data in the cloud due to cost reduction and the great accessibilities provided by cloud services. Data owner is not able to control over their data, because cloud service provider is a third party user. The major problem with data sharing and accessing in the cloud is the privacy and security issues. Various Cryptographic techniques are available to maintain user privacy and secure data sharing. This paper is mainly focus on several encryption methods to deal with secure data sharing and accessing in the cloud computing environment. Keyword: Cloud, data sharing, access control, security, privacy, encryption.× ![]() J.Mala, Dr.A.N.Jayanthi, S.Rajesh "A Survey on Secure Data Accessing and Sharing Using Cryptographic Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment" Vol 2-Issue 3 (452-455) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Efficient Analysis On Geo-Social Media To Compose Real-Time Decisions in Big-Data
Author(s): K N Sai Sanjana, Dr. Thippeswamy G R, Nikitha M, Pavitra L, Rachana K R
Page(s): 456-461
Data sharing in the cloud is a method that allows users to conveniently access data over the cloud. The data owner outsources their data in the cloud due to cost reduction and the great accessibilities provided by cloud services. Data owner is not able to control over their data, because cloud service provider is a third party user. The major problem with data sharing and accessing in the cloud is the privacy and security issues. Various Cryptographic techniques are available to maintain user privacy and secure data sharing. This paper is mainly focus on several encryption methods to deal with secure data sharing and accessing in the cloud computing environment. Keyword: Cloud, data sharing, access control, security, privacy, encryption.× ![]() K N Sai Sanjana, Dr. Thippeswamy G R, Nikitha M, Pavitra L, Rachana K R "An Efficient Analysis On Geo-Social Media To Compose Real-Time Decisions in Big-Data" Vol 2-Issue 3 (456-461) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Grey Relational Analysis on CO2 Laser Cutting Quality of Nano Clay Composites Polymers
Author(s): A.M. Abdel Maboud, I.S.mohammed, Ahmed Saleh, Shokria abbas
Page(s): 462-476
Laser beam cutting of polymers seems to be a superior tool to any cutting methods duehigh material utilization and production flexibility, precise cuts with narrow kerf width, faster cutting process, better accuracy and high cut edge quality .Moreover, no tool wear or tool change. This paper presents a brief review of work done by some researchers based on laser cutting process for parametric optimization using different techniques. Sixteen Experimental tests are arranged according to Taguchi method. The influence of laser cutting parameters on the cut quality is studied for two types of nanoclay composites polymers (HDPE and PP). Moreover, a comparison between PP and HDPE nanoclay composites polymers has been done based on grey relational analysis for laser cut quality .The results are analyzed to assess the optimum cutting conditions for each polymer. Keyword: HDPE, PP, Nanoclay composites, Greyrelational analysis, ANOVA, Laser cut ,MRR, KW, HAZ , Dross.× ![]() A.M. Abdel Maboud, I.S.mohammed, Ahmed Saleh, Shokria abbas "Grey Relational Analysis on CO2 Laser Cutting Quality of Nano Clay Composites Polymers" Vol 2-Issue 3 (462-476) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Design Of System for Pest Indetification in Leaf and Stem
Author(s): Hayath TM, Pallavi B, Farzana S, Supriya P, Tanushree C
Page(s): 477-482
There are countless number of plant species available across the global which might be useful plants or might be weeds. When farmers encounter a plant in their field, it is necessary for them to know the type of plant growing in their field so that they can evaluate the useful and harmful qualities of the plant, if the field is infected with a pest, then farmer might be interested in knowing type of pest and also their control measures.Hence, in this paper we are proposing a system which detetcts pest in leaf and stem and also lists control measure fro the same. Keyword: Pest,Leaf,Image Processing.× ![]() Hayath TM, Pallavi B, Farzana S, Supriya P, Tanushree C "Design Of System for Pest Indetification in Leaf and Stem" Vol 2-Issue 3 (477-482) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Survey on Patient Waiting Time in Hospital Queuing System in a Big Data
Author(s): Mr. Prashant Patil , Dr.Sanjay Thakur
Page(s): 483-486
Due to the huge increase in population hospitals are overcrowded because of this it becomes difficult for a hospital management system to control or to minimize patient waiting time while getting treatment in hospital. While taking treatment doctors mentioned several different tests to diagnose the disease to give proper treatment. Thus while evaluating this entire test we have to wait in a queue. A patient has to wait until the entire patient before him or she gets treated. Unnecessary waiting time not only waste patient time but also give frustration during waiting in the queue. It would be more convenient if a patient could get the predicted waiting time and treatment plan on an application that shows the treatment plan and predicted waiting time in real time. Therefore to increase the efficiency and to meet the patent requirement we come up with a new technique called PTTP with HQR i.e. Hospital Queuing-Recommendation System is developed. In this method, the PTTP algorithm predicts the treatment time based on hospital data. Based on this waiting time HQR recommend the treatment plan for the patient. As the patient data is off in a huge amount we have use Apache Hadoop to achieve the goal. Keyword: Big data, Pig, Data Mining Technique, Hospital Historical dataset, PTTP algorithm, Random forest.× ![]() Mr. Prashant Patil , Dr.Sanjay Thakur "Survey on Patient Waiting Time in Hospital Queuing System in a Big Data" Vol 2-Issue 3 (483-486) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Aggregate Secured Key Cryptosystem on cloud with Dynamic Data Sharing
Author(s): Yateesh Kumar D G, Dr. Thippeswamy G R, Prajwal R, Prashanth C K, Subramaniyam R
Page(s): 487-493
Due to the huge increase in population hospitals are overcrowded because of this it becomes difficult for a hospital management system to control or to minimize patient waiting time while getting treatment in hospital. While taking treatment doctors mentioned several different tests to diagnose the disease to give proper treatment. Thus while evaluating this entire test we have to wait in a queue. A patient has to wait until the entire patient before him or she gets treated. Unnecessary waiting time not only waste patient time but also give frustration during waiting in the queue. It would be more convenient if a patient could get the predicted waiting time and treatment plan on an application that shows the treatment plan and predicted waiting time in real time. Therefore to increase the efficiency and to meet the patent requirement we come up with a new technique called PTTP with HQR i.e. Hospital Queuing-Recommendation System is developed. In this method, the PTTP algorithm predicts the treatment time based on hospital data. Based on this waiting time HQR recommend the treatment plan for the patient. As the patient data is off in a huge amount we have use Apache Hadoop to achieve the goal. Keyword: Big data, Pig, Data Mining Technique, Hospital Historical dataset, PTTP algorithm, Random forest.× ![]() Yateesh Kumar D G, Dr. Thippeswamy G R, Prajwal R, Prashanth C K, Subramaniyam R "Aggregate Secured Key Cryptosystem on cloud with Dynamic Data Sharing" Vol 2-Issue 3 (487-493) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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IoT Based Solution for Grape Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networkand Farm Monitoring
Author(s): R.Chavan, A.Deoghare, R.Dugar, P.Karad
Page(s): 494-500
Diseases in fruit cause devastating problem in economic losses and production in agricultural industry worldwide.Subsequently, reduction in plant diseases by early diagnosis results in substantial improvement in quality of the product.A solution for predicting the grapes disease is provided, and also detection of the grape disease will be done using CNN approach and real time collected data of environmental parameters are used for predicting the disease probability. The CNN approach is applied on the image of the leaf. Different layers of CNN approach are applied on the image. Training data and testing data are resized into a specific resolution and then provided to the layers of CNN. On the other hand, the values received from humidity, temperature and soil moisture sensor respectively are transmitted to the Microsoft’s Azure Cloud by Raspberry-Pi. Then the sensor values are used in a trained Linear Regression model to forecast the percentage of disease. Based on the outcomes of above detection and prediction phases, suggestions of appropriate fertilizers with their appropriate quantity will be provided to avoid excess use of fertilizers and reduce their cost. Keyword: IoT, CNN, PDI.× ![]() R.Chavan, A.Deoghare, R.Dugar, P.Karad "IoT Based Solution for Grape Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networkand Farm Monitoring" Vol 2-Issue 3 (494-500) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Survey: Issues And Challenges Of VOIP traffic Over WiMAX
Author(s): Anurag Saini, Avnish Kansal, Jasmeet Singh
Page(s): 501-505
With the introduction of different wireless communication technologies, the demand of users for real time services like voice along with data called VoIP is increasing tremendously. In order to provide high quality services, the new technologies like WiMAX has to consider all the quality parameters attached with a service. The paper thus discusses the WiMAX support to such services along with all the possible features of VoIP, its quality parameters like delay, jitter, throughput, etc. and emphasis on what work has been done in this perspective so as to improve the quality of the VoIP traffic by highlighting the various aspects, methodology and limitations of previous work in this field. It has been shown that, there still remain some issues and considerations, which could be taken into account so as to have high quality VoIP traffics. Keyword: Quality of Service; VoIP issues; WiMAX.× ![]() Anurag Saini, Avnish Kansal, Jasmeet Singh "A Survey: Issues And Challenges Of VOIP traffic Over WiMAX " Vol 2-Issue 3 (501-505) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Effects of Heavy Metals on the Fish Biodiversity in West Bengal
Author(s): Koustav Sen, Rimpa Mandal
Page(s): 505-520
Heavy metals are naturally exist in very little amount in aquatic system. But now a days this amount are higher than previous time due to many activities. The main cause of the heavy metals amount increase is industrial waste product mixed with water system. Fish and others aquatic organisms absorb the pollutants directly from water and indirectly from food chains. This heavy metal can effect on geological, hydrological and also it effects fish population and growth. Secondarily it effects human through fish. Heavy metals are entered into fish bodies by gills, body surface and digestive track. The present study assessed heavy metals effect on fish biodiversity in west Bengal,India. This study also highlight actual level of heavy metals in industrial and non-industrial area in west Bengal. Keyword: Heavy Metals, Contamination, Disease, Source.× ![]() Koustav Sen, Rimpa Mandal "The Effects of Heavy Metals on the Fish Biodiversity in West Bengal" Vol 2-Issue 3 (505-520) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Determination Of Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors For Turbulent Flow Through Rectangular Ducts With Triangular Ribs
Author(s): Abhishek Kumar, Mayank Kumar Dwivedi
Page(s): 521-525
Sundarban is the largest delta on the planet.it covers about one million hector. Sundarban situated in the delta of the river Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna and it is famous for his marine and estuarine fish resources. Sundarban shared two country borders- one is India and other is Bangladesh.in sundarban around 440 species of fishes, 20species of prawn and 44 species of crabs are present. But now a days sundarbans faces lots of difficult problems which have an impact on the biodiversity, sustainability and live hood of fish resources and also natural climate changes such as cyclonic storms, low pressure in bay of Bengal, shrinking tiger pawn population, fish seed collection etc. the present study highlight the present status of fish biodiversity in sundarban and their actual threats. Keyword: Fish Biodiversity, IUCN Status, Threats, Sundarbans, Physicochemical parameter.× ![]() Abhishek Kumar, Mayank Kumar Dwivedi "Determination Of Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors For Turbulent Flow Through Rectangular Ducts With Triangular Ribs" Vol 2-Issue 3 (505-520) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Trichodermaviride: Isolation, Characterization, Cultivation and Its Application as Effective Biocontrol Agent
Author(s): Ashish S.Ramteke
Page(s): 526-530
The genusTrichoderma consists of anamorphic fungi isolated primarily from soil and decomposing organic matter, with teleomorphs, belonging to the ascomycete genus Hypocrea. They can work against fungal phytopathogens through mechanism such as mycoparasitism, competing for nutrients and space, modifying environmental conditions and antibiosis and plant defensive mechanisms. Trichodermaviride have also been reported to produce a plethora of secondary metabolites showing antimicrobial activity. Trichodermaviride have been widely used in agriculture as biocontrol agents and inoculants to provide plant growth promotion. The molecular mechanism supporting this highly desirable beneficial effect of plant growth promotion are not fully clarified and include improvement of nutrient availability and uptake for the plant. Many Trichoderma strains colonize plant roots of dicots and monocots. Keyword: Trichodermaviride, Biocontrol, Antagonist, Ecosystem, Growth Promotor.× ![]() Ashish S.Ramteke "Trichodermaviride: Isolation, Characterization, Cultivation and Its Application as Effective Biocontrol Agent" Vol 2-Issue 3 (526-530) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Magnetic, Mossbauer and Micro-Analytical Findings of Archaeological Pottery Sample of Manaveli, India
Author(s): G.Raja Annamalaia, R.Ravisankar, A.Chandrasekaran
Page(s): 531-537
The magnetic properties of archaeological pottery specimen combined with Mössbauer study can provide useful results for their characterization. The main objectives of the present investigation are to determine the technological factors applied for the pottery manufacturing (temperature, heating conditions, and duration of heating of the pottery). In order to do these findings, the pottery clay samples collected from the archaeological site Manaveli, Puducherry, India are analyzed. Different analytical methods such as Mössbauer, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometer and vibrating sample magnetometer have been utilized to evaluate the firing temperature and firing conditions of the samples during their production. Keyword: Archaeological pottery sample, Mössbauer study, Micro structural and chemical analysis, vibrating sample magnetometric study.× ![]() G.Raja Annamalaia, R.Ravisankar, A.Chandrasekaran "Magnetic, Mossbauer and Micro-Analytical Findings of Archaeological Pottery Sample of Manaveli, India" Vol 2-Issue 3 (531-537) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Study of Contact Time on Effectiveness of Natural Adsorbents to Adsorb Crystal Violet DYE
Author(s): Sudevi Basu, Tanushree Deb, Vanitha Nagliekar
Page(s): 538-542
Synthetic dyes are used for colouring in textile, leather and manufacturing industries and these are water soluble and produce very bright colours in water. When it is discharged without treatment, it leads to pollution. This research gives an insight into the adsorption studies with a focus on time of contact on the efficiency of decolourizing Crystal Violet dye with natural adsorbents (Citrullus lanatus Peel, Citrullus lanatus Rind and Citrus limetta Peel). This study reveals that Citrullus lanatus Rind can effectively decolourize 52.2% Crystal Violet dye at concentration of 50 mg/L with lower contact time of 60 min and at 120 min, 67.7% dye removal is achieved. At increased initial dye concentration of 75 mg/L and 100 mg/L, Citrullus lanatus Peel is effective in decolourizing Crystal Violet dye at lower contact time of 60 min and percentage dye removal is 67.4% and 65% respectively. At high initial dye concentration of 125 mg/L, high contact time of 120 min with Citrullus lanatus Peel is required to remove 58.8% Crystal Violet Dye. As compared with these two adsorbents, Citrus limetta Peel is not very effective in adsorbing Crystal Violet Dye. . Keyword: Citrullus lanatus Peel, Citrullus lanatus Rind and Citrus limetta Peel, Adsorbents.× ![]() Sudevi Basu, Tanushree Deb, Vanitha Nagliekar "Study of Contact Time on Effectiveness of Natural Adsorbents to Adsorb Crystal Violet DYE" Vol 2-Issue 3 (538-542) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automation Renewable Energy Conservation System
Author(s): Suyog Raghunath Bhujbal, Hitesh Anil Wagh, Ketan Sunil Gore, Vishal Baburao Shinde, Mr. Vishwas Badhe
Page(s): 543-545
Nowadays the fossil fuel reserves in the world are diminishing rapidly. So that, energy generation from fossil fuel may cause so many environmental problems. Renewable Conservation System is used for the elimination of fossil fuels. It also prevents those problems which effect on environmental atmosphere.In our project when the air will flow the turbine blades will rotate and then this mechanical energy is converted into electric energy. Then the software will show battery percentage on our mobilewith help of Bluetooth module. Keyword: Renewable Energy Conservation System-Turbine.× ![]() Suyog Raghunath Bhujbal, Hitesh Anil Wagh, Ketan Sunil Gore, Vishal Baburao Shinde, Mr. Vishwas Badhe "Automation Renewable Energy Conservation System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (543-545) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Self-Esteem Levels of South Korean Third-Culture Kids
Author(s): Yehyang Jang
Page(s): 546-582
This study was designed to explore the impacts of being a third-culture kid (TCK) on having different self-esteem levels in a representative sample of South Korean high school students ages 13-19 studying in Woodstock School, India. Findings revealed that third-culture kids’ self-esteem levels were significantly and positively correlated with their cultural, linguistic, and racial identities. Generally, while weak correlation was found between the concept of home and self-esteem, the study concludes that social identity and the sense of “belonging” have a significant effect on the self-esteem level of a Korean TCK. Through this research, it can be seen that those with higher self-esteem levels are more “included” and “involved” in a particular community in comparison to those who aren’t. This study, however, does not generalize for the entire Korean TCK population but is a representative of Korean TCKs in a small community in Mussoorie, India. The methodology section of this study can be adopted and applied by future researchers willing to examine different psychological impacts on self-esteem in a particular population. Keyword: Korean third-culture kid, self-esteem, cultural identity, social identity, community, belongingness, multiculturalism.× ![]() Yehyang Jang "Self-Esteem Levels of South Korean Third-Culture Kids" Vol 2-Issue 3 (546-582) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Review Paper On Design Analysis And Modification Of Spur Gear
Author(s): Ramneek Singh
Page(s): 583-587
This review paper gives the information about design analysis of spur gears by comparing analytical results to calculate results. Thus this review paper mainly contributes to the modification had done in spur gear for better results. Many authors have used different approaches the goal they were working on. Stress and gear failure are mainly found using FEA and AGAMA standards. This review paper consist modification, use of software in design analysis, and analytical methods for the spur gears. Keyword: ANSYS, Composite gear, Design analysis, Spur gear.× ![]() Ramneek Singh "Review Paper On Design Analysis And Modification Of Spur Gear" Vol 2-Issue 3 (583-587) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Development of Multivariate Regression Models for Estimation of Extracellular Fluid of Human Body from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Author(s): Mst. FarzanaKhatun, Tahasin Ahmed Fahim
Page(s): 587-592
This work proposes new multivariate regression models for the estimation of Extracellular Fluid (ECF) measurements for both male and female people. The proposed models have been developed based on bioelectrical impedance analysis. In this research total 466 (231 male and 235 female) data have been considered. Different types of data like height, weight, age, bioelectrical impedance and body mass index (BMI) have been chosen for the development of estimation models. The statistical analysis show that the correlation coefficients are 0.98 for both male and female people. This results show good similarity with actual data. The limits of agreement (LOA) are -1.3350 L to 2.4090 L and -1.42557 L to 1.844373 L for male and female data respectively. The absolute errors (mean ± Standard Deviation) are (0.5370 ± 0.9551) L and (0.2094 ± 0.83417) L for male and female data respectively. The validation results of this research have been compared with the current models and it is seen that proposed mathematical models show far better results with reduced intervals of LOA and absolute error rate. So, the proposed mathematical models can be more suitable for ECF measurements. Keyword: Multivariate regression, bioelectrical impedance analysis, extracellular fluid, extracellular impedance.× ![]() Mst. FarzanaKhatun, Tahasin Ahmed Fahim "Development of Multivariate Regression Models for Estimation of Extracellular Fluid of Human Body from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis" Vol 2-Issue 3 (587-592) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Impact of Malware in Modern Society
Author(s): Vijayanand. C. D, Arunlal. K. S
Page(s): 593-600
In today’s world most human carry at least one electronic computing device, which has a connection to the internet. Internet starting to have influence in our everyday life. Other than computers and mobile devices, traditionally standalone equipment and devices are too now connected to the internet to make them smart. Critical infrastructure of cities, healthcare and other industries (SCADA) has been connected to internet to make it smarter. Growth of internet helps to make human life easier to live. But at the same time malware and cybercrime rate is also increasing along with that. In 2016, United States council of Economic Advisers mentioned that the estimated cost of malware cost the U.S economy between $57 billion and $109 billon [1]. In this paper work, we review most common types of malware in the internet, their impact in our society, what are the motives to create a malware and the future. Keyword: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Internet of Things (IoT), Malware, Cyber-attack, Cyberspace, Cyberwarfare.× ![]() Vijayanand. C.D, Arunlal. K.S "Impact of Malware in Modern Society" Vol 2-Issue 3 (593-600) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Landscape Design With Plants as Architectural, Engineering and Aesthetic Tools
Author(s): Peter Anthony, Oyeniyi Monisola Felicia, Ayodele Tope Stephen
Page(s): 601-619
Garden has been considered as an important element of a joyous and integral section of life for a long time and more succinctly from the beginning of creation. Sequel to this, landscape designer has held outstanding position in many cultures all over the globe. Prominent designers have evolved a lot of design methods through artistic talents, exposures, understanstanding as well as through strong influence by the client, site conditions, materials applied and plants used. Landscape design is common with average client. However, moving high garden type art to the backyard context is difficult. When applying plants in landscape design, the outcome is in most cases overemphasized and consequently misinterpreted. The situation is unfortunate since this aspect of planting design can bring about a long lasting overall expression within the outdoor design. The study adopted the secondary source of data collection by exploring previous works on the subject matter using the internet, books, conference papers, and journals. The paper emphasizes complementing and reinforcing the existing architectural design, the creation of 3-dimentional outdoor spaces, modifying the environment and improving the aesthetic of the surrounding using plants. At the end of the research, plants in landscaping are able to achieve architectural, engineering as well as aesthetic requirements. Keyword: 3-dimentionl space, artistic talents, plants in landscape, modifying the environment, tools.× ![]() Peter Anthony, Oyeniyi Monisola Felicia, Ayodele Tope Stephen "Landscape Design With Plants as Architectural, Engineering and Aesthetic Tools" Vol 2-Issue 3 (601-619) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Review of Investor Sentiment Fluctuation and Stock Market
Author(s): Sobia Naseem, Shazia Salamat
Page(s): 620-625
Investing decisions influence numerous people who invest money in the stock market. Venture assessment, a measurement looking to evaluate the desires for future returns, can cause illogical individual activities. To assist people with speculation choices, we talk about the specialist financial supposition, its estimation, its effect in the securities exchange, and its relationship with conduct fund ideas. In this research, we additionally talk about a basic leadership procedure consolidating the financial specialist decision powers and the effect of market fluctuation on the sentiments of investors.. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Sobia Naseem, Shazia Salamat "A Review of Investor Sentiment Fluctuation and Stock Market" Vol 2-Issue 3 (620-625) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Validity of High School GPA and the College Aptitude Test (CAT) in Predicting College Academic Performance
Author(s): Bryan Mallillin Nozaleda
Page(s): 626-636
A significant body of literature has shown that future academic success has been predicted from cognitive factors. In fact, both high school grade point averages and standardized test scores are generally significant predictors of student success during their undergraduate studies. This study examined the ability of the Cagayan State University College Aptitude Test (CAT) and High School GPA in predicting the performance of freshman students based on their first-year college GPA. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to answer the research questions. These analyses evaluated whether the CAT was an accurate predictor in predicting college academic success and whether adding the high school GPA improved the prediction validity as measured by first-year college GPA.It was found out that both the CAT scores and High school GPA are positively and significantly related to first year college GPA. The results also revealed that CAT scores is a significant predictor of academic performance as measured by first-year college GPA. The addition of High School GPA to the prediction equation along with CAT scores enhanced further the predictive power of academic performance. Moreover, the scores on Numerical Reasoning and Language Usage have positive correlation to Mathematics and Language related subjects respectively. They are also significant predictors of performance in Mathematics and Language related subjects. However, the tests showed that great amount of variance in the criteria variable is still unexplained by the predictor variables. Hence, there is room for more research to study the unexplained portion of academic performance. Keyword: Predictive Validity, Multiple Regression Analysis, Aptitude Test, Correlational.× ![]() Bryan Mallillin Nozaleda "Validity of High School GPA and the College Aptitude Test (CAT) in Predicting College Academic Performance" Vol 2-Issue 3 (626-636) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Model of Automatic Sorting Station with Optical Proximity Sensor
Author(s): Victor A.Adebiyi, Bankole.I.Oladapo, Ayodele O.Awe
Page(s): 637-647
An automatic bottle and PVC classification system based on machine vision is proposed in this research. The design model and characterization of an automated classification system product using a conveyor belt with machine vision integrating Free and Open Source Software technology and business equipment. The application of machine vision library digital optical image processing Open CV, for the mechanical design of the station and manufacturing CAD Solid works was used for the design and implementation of automation ISA standards. Also a methodology of engineering projects in automation by integrating a PLC, an inverter, View Panel with a Device Net network and optical sensor to perform the test. The Performance testing and sorting pieces of PVC bottles are done in four types of established the operation of the integrated system, and the efficiency is evaluated. The processing time machine vision is on average 0.287s for a piece of PVC, a capacity of 204 per minute accessories, bottle processing time of 0.256s was achieved, a size of 220 bottles for about 7 minutes. Maximum mechanical efficiency of 30 products per minute (1910 products hour) with the conveyor 20cm/s and 40cm distance between products obtaining an average error of 0.75% was obtained. Keyword: Sorting, Proximity Sensor, PVC Bottle,CAD, Machine Vision.× ![]() Victor A.Adebiyi, Bankole.I.Oladapo, Ayodele O.Awe "Model of Automatic Sorting Station with Optical Proximity Sensor" Vol 2-Issue 3 (637-647) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Causes of Claims in the Construction Project
Author(s): Anita Rauzana, Tripoli
Page(s): 648-652
Claims on construction projects are requests or demands for adding costs, and time of construction. Claims can trigger a dispute because the implementation of the project is not in accordance with the contract. Construction contracts are used as guidelines in submitting construction claims. Studies of construction claims have been carried out by various researchers, and every cause of construction claims is influenced by location / area, and project characteristics. This study aims to establish the theoretical framework for the cause of contractor claims for delays in construction projects from literature review, various research results, literature, and various relevant information. According to a review of several articles / research, obtained factors that influence claims are design changes. Keyword: claims, contractors, construction, owners, projects.× ![]() Anita Rauzana, Tripoli "Causes of Claims in the Construction Project" Vol 2-Issue 3 (648-652) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automatic Solar Street Light With Bluetooth Module
Author(s): Komal Subhash Shinde, Sarika Maruti Shendge, Priyanka Bhalchandra Bhore, Vaishnavi Sambhaji Sakhare, Mrs.Kanchan Patil
Page(s): 653-654
Automatic solar street light is used to save the electricity. In that solar panel consume the electricity in daytime. The Solar Street Light work on the Principle of Solar cells. The solar cell convert the solar energy into electrical energy. The converted energy is stored in the battery. When the direct current from the battery passes through the light, then it gives the light.The arduino uno microcontroller is used to show the status of battery percentage charge by the solar panel and used by the led lights to glow.The Bluetooth module is used to connectivity between hardware and software. Keyword: Solar ,led, street light ,Bluetooth connectivity.× ![]() Komal Subhash Shinde, Sarika Maruti Shendge, Priyanka Bhalchandra Bhore, Vaishnavi Sambhaji Sakhare, Mrs.Kanchan Patil "Automatic Solar Street Light With Bluetooth Module" Vol 2-Issue 3 (653-654) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Re-Application of Wood in Landscaping Architecture and Elements Impacting the Reprocessing of Wood Left-Over
Author(s): Magdi Buaisha, Akram Aljama, Khaled Alhangari
Page(s): 655-659
Within landscaping and its field of architecture, re-applying wood has been a useful way to decrease humans’ carbon footprint on the environment while providing us with other financial and educational opportunities. In this respect, experts are faced with both technical and moral duties when ti comes to common landscaping habits. With this background, the present research looks into the re-application of wood in landscaping and the elements that may influence the possibility of reprocessing wood left-over. Keyword: landscaping,re-application,wood, architecture.× ![]() Magdi Buaisha, Akram Aljama, Khaled Alhangari "Re-Application of Wood in Landscaping Architecture and Elements Impacting the Reprocessing of Wood Left-Over" Vol 2-Issue 3 (655-659) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Experimental Study On Self Compacting Concrete Using Ggbs
Author(s): R.Selvapriya, M.Rajkannan
Page(s): 660-669
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), due to its pozzolanic nature, could be a great asset for the modern construction needs, because slag concretes can be of high performance, if appropriately designed. The use of GGBS as a cementitious material as well as fine filler is being increasingly advocated for the production of High performance concrete (HPC), Roller compacted concrete (RCC) and Self compacting concrete (SCC), etc. However, for obtaining the required high performance in any of these concrete composites, slag should be properly proportioned so that the resulting concrete would satisfy both the strength and performance criteria requirements of the structure. The paper is an effort towards presenting a new mix design methodology for the design of self compacting GGBS concretes based on the efficiency concept. The methodology has already been successfully verified through a proper experimental investigation and the self compacting slag concretes were evaluated for their self compactability and strength characteristics. The results indicate that the proposed method can be capable of producing high quality SCC. Keyword: Self compacting concrete, Compressive Strength, split tensile strength, Flexural strength, GGBS, admixtures, plasticizers.× ![]() R.Selvapriya, M.Rajkannan, "Experimental Study On Self Compacting Concrete Using Ggbs" Vol 2-Issue 3 (660-669) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effective Utilization of Plastic Wastes in Tile Manufacturing: A Step Towards Sustainability
Author(s): V.Mohan, S.Gayathri
Page(s): 670-676
In India, 70 percent of total plastic consumption is discarded as waste. Around 5.6 million tonnes per annum (TPA) of plastic waste is generated in country, which is about 15,342 tonnes per day (TPD). To a large extent in India, plastics management is seen more as a waste management rather than generation of plastics. Another major concern about plastics in the waste stream is their longevity and whether or not they are truly biodegrade. It is estimated that most plastics would take 500-1000 years to break down into organic components. Because of this longevity and the low rate of recycling, much of our plastic waste ends up in landfills or as litter. Some of this plastic waste makes its way via rivers and wind to the ocean. Garbage barges, and the trans-continental transport of recyclable materials also lead to an increasing amount of plastics in our oceans and waterways. Plastics have a high energy content that can be converted to electricity, synthetic gas, fuels and recycled feedstocks for new plastics and other products of chemistry. Recovering this abundant energy also reduces waste sent to landfills and complements plastics recycling. Hence keeping all these factors in mind, it is liable to utilize plastic waste into useful construction material. Hence an attempt is made to utilize plastic in manufacturing of tiles with suitable proportions. Experiments are conducted to assess the compressive strength, rupture, abrasion, impact strength and water absorption. SEM analysis is performed to examine the micro level distribution of plastic wastes in manufactured tiles. It is believed that such initiative will lay the path towards the goal of “waste to wealth. Keyword: Plastic waste, flooring material, waste utilization.× ![]() V.Mohan, S.Gayathri "Effective Utilization of Plastic Wastes in Tile Manufacturing: A Step Towards Sustainability" Vol 2-Issue 3 (670-676) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation Life in a Single Edged Notched Beam
Author(s): Bhushan Sunil Jawale
Page(s): 677-681
In present fast pace product development scenario, validated FEA simulations are considered to be one of the reliable source of preliminary fatigue life estimation. FEA simulations may not prove to be a complete replacement to the fatigue testing but they can provide a detailed insight into the fatigue damage phenomenon. Present study demonstrates the finite element methodology adopted for accurate prediction of fatigue life of a mild steel plate with notch at the centre. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to develop a fatigue life prediction methodology by using an FEA in single edge notched (SEN) beams. Also the relationship between load and fatigue life, and stress ratio to fatigue life was determined for actual behaviour of SEN beams under cyclic loading. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Bhushan Sunil Jawale "Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation Life in a Single Edged Notched Beam" Vol 2-Issue 3 (677-681) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Abnormal Events Detection in Surveillance Systems
Author(s): Varuna S, Shreyas P Bhat, Kiran T S, Mrs. Sumana C
Page(s): 682-685
The detection of abnormal events has an essential role in video content analysis and is a challenging task in order to monitor the surveillance fields. In this paper, we proposea way to train the neural network through abnormal, anomalous and normal videos with clipping them as video segments and extracting the features. The anomaly detecting model trained, predicts probability scores for the testing video segments. Keyword: anomaly event detection, video surveillance, computer vision, activity recognition, feature extraction.× ![]() Varuna S, Shreyas P Bhat, Kiran T S, Mrs. Sumana C "Abnormal Events Detection in Surveillance Systems" Vol 2-Issue 3 (682-685) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Removal of pH and Concentration in Biosorpsi of Cu2+ Metal Ions withLongan Shell (Euphoria longan Lour) that has been Immobilized
Author(s): Khairunnisa, Bahrizal, Indang Dewata, Syamsi Aini, Desy Kurniawati
Page(s): 686-690
The detection of abnormal events has an essential role in video content analysis and is a challenging task in order to monitor the surveillance fields. In this paper, we proposea way to train the neural network through abnormal, anomalous and normal videos with clipping them as video segments and extracting the features. The anomaly detecting model trained, predicts probability scores for the testing video segments. Keyword: anomaly event detection, video surveillance, computer vision, activity recognition, feature extraction.× ![]() Khairunnisa, Bahrizal, Indang Dewata, Syamsi Aini, Desy Kurniawati "Removal of pH and Concentration in Biosorpsi of Cu2+ Metal Ions withLongan Shell (Euphoria longan Lour) that has been Immobilized" Vol 2-Issue 3 (686-690) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Design and Construction of Earthquake Detection and Location Reporting System on Google Map
Author(s): Zin Mar Cho, Win Zaw Hein
Page(s): 691-698
A large number of people died in every year caused by earthquake around the world. As a result of insufficient information, emergency service such as safely cannot be provided in time to the occurrence of earthquake places. Therefore, many lives have been lost for earthquake victims. The goal of this proposed system is to know the magnitude of earthquake in time and show the details of earthquake in google, mobile etc. This proposed system aims to design by using sensors and controller and empowering them to communicate with each other through wireless technologies. This system has two devices: the detector and reporter. The detecting device was devised using simulated sensor program. MPU 6050 sensor detects the occurrence of the earthquake. GPS is used to support identification of the location such as latitude and longitude of the earthquake and sent it to the Arduino uno. Wi-Fi module is used to connect the controller and sent to the server. Further reporting device could be done to send data on the website for user interface. Finally, the location, origin time and magnitude of the earthquake are shown on the Global Map (Google Map) by Wi-Fi module. Keyword: IMU Sensor,GPS, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266), Google Map,Internet of Things (IOT).× ![]() Zin Mar Cho, Win Zaw Hein "Design and Construction of Earthquake Detection and Location Reporting System on Google Map" Vol 2-Issue 3 (691-698) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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RP-92: Solutions of three Special Classes of Congruence of Prime Modulus of Higher Degree
Author(s): Prof. B. M. Roy
Page(s): 699-703
In this paper, three formulae are established for solutions of three special classes of congruence of prime modulus ofhigher degree.The formulae are tested true by citing example. The said congruence are possible to solve very easily in the least time. Formulation is the merit of the paper.No discussion on such standard congruence of higher degree are found in the literature of mathematics. Formulation made the congruence easily solvable. Keyword: Congruence of higher degree,Fermat’s theorem, Inverse-modulo a prime, Prime-modulus.× ![]() Prof. B. M. Roy "RP-92: Solutions of three Special Classes of Congruence of Prime Modulus of Higher Degree" Vol 2-Issue 3 (699-703) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Analyzing and Improving the Efficiency of Hadoop-Cluster for Big Data Analysis
Author(s): Deepak Kumar, Saurabh Charaya
Page(s): 704-709
The extent of Digitization is continuously increasing by leaps and bounds now a days, resulting in accumulation of large amount of data every second. The data can be a transaction, it can be a social media chat or from any other source. Processing such a Big Data is a very time consuming and tedious task. Though we have advanced systems and techniques to process this data but still there are possibilities of improvements. This paper analysis and explores such possibilities to improve the performance of Hadoop-cluster which is being used to process the big data. In this paper, we first analysis the performance of the cluster and then suggest some method to improve the overall performance of the system.. Keyword: Big Data, Hadoop-cluster, Fault tolerance, MapReduce.× ![]() Deepak Kumar, Saurabh Charaya "Analyzing and Improving the Efficiency of Hadoop-Cluster for Big Data Analysis" Vol 2-Issue 3 (704-709) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Mitigation of Torque Ripple & Detect Rotor Position of BLDC Motor
Author(s): Ramanuj Nigam, Govind Pandya
Page(s): 710-715
In the recent past, variable speed driving systems have sprouted in various small scale and large scale applications like automobile industries, domestic appliances etc. The usage of green and eco friendly electronics are greatly developed to save the energy consumption of various devices. This lead to the development in Brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The usage of BLDCM enhances various performance factors ranging from higher efficiency, higher torque in low-speed range, high power density ,low maintenance and less noise than other motors. The BLDCM can act as an alternative for traditional motors like induction and switched reluctance motors. In this paper hysteresis current controller is implemented with speed feedback loop and it is observe that torque ripples are minimized. Simulation is carried out using MATLAB / SIMULINK. The results show that the performance of BLDCM is quite satisfactory for various loading conditions. Keyword: Brushless DC (BLDC) motor, Fast Torque response, low-frequency torque ripples, RC network, , Hall effect Position-sensorlesscontrol,Torque Pulsation..× ![]() Ramanuj Nigam, Govind Pandya "Mitigation of Torque Ripple & Detect Rotor Position of BLDC Motor" Vol 2-Issue 3 (710-715) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Analytical Study of Strengthening of RCC Beam Openings by BFRP Composites using ABAQUS
Author(s): Ashwini Halyal, Neethu Urs
Page(s): 716-720
This paper aims to appraise the influence of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Plastic [BFRP] wrapping on the effect of strengthening of openings in RCC beam. Finite element analysis has been used in order to study this problem. Five beams were analyzed using finite element program ABAQUS software. The beams are of span 1000mm and are having rectangular cross section of size 150mm x 250mm. One solid beam is treated as control beam. The rest of the beams were divided into two groups depending upon opening dimensions i.e. single circular opening of diameter 94.40 mm and double circular opening of diameter 66.75 mm. As per SP 34,openings are provided. Each group has two beams with one unstrengthened beam and other beam were wrapped with BFRP. All these beams are simply supported and are analyzed by applying midpoint loading. The load carrying capacity and the deformation of the beams are studied and analyzed in detail. Strengthening of the beam introduced with small sized double opening is found to be more efficient compared to large sized single opening while openings having the same area. Keyword: BFRP, Strengthening, Load carrying capacity, ABAQUS.× ![]() Ashwini Halyal, Neethu Urs "Analytical Study of Strengthening of RCC Beam Openings by BFRP Composites using ABAQUS" Vol 2-Issue 3 (716-720) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Disturbances in the Supply of Electricity and the Current Extent of Deforestation: The Case Study of Lubumbashi City, DR Congo
Author(s): Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure, Ilunga Kabiakulwa Alexis, Kibale Musenge Frank
Page(s): 721-731
Deforestation is commonly explained by population growth is economic. Many authors corroborate the thesis that the impact of the speed of economic and demographic growth on deforestation can be offset by good land management at the local level (bottom-up approach). In this work we show that the quality of electrical service at the urban scale can also explain deforestation. In total, 1460 households were surveyed in 7 communes of the city of Lubumbashi. Household survey data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to highlight the differences between the averages of the different municipalities.In addition, a Tukey post-hoc test was applied to determine the difference between the 5% significance level means. R 2.15 and Past software were used for statistical analysis. The results of this work reveal a malfunction of the electricity network characterised by cuts with an average of 3 days of cut per week and 17 hours of cuts per day at the city level. This pushes households to use charcoal as a source of energy for cooking with an utilisation rate of more than 90% regardless of the type of neighborhood and on the outskirts of the city the forests are regressing to meet the demand for energy charcoal. This leads us to argue that the state can curb deforestation by improving the quality and the rate of electricity supply, which would prevent households from consuming charcoal for energy needs (top down approach). Keyword: Disturbance, electricity supply, deforestation, Lubumbashi.× ![]() Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure, Ilunga Kabiakulwa Alexis, Kibale Musenge Frank "Disturbances in the Supply of Electricity and the Current Extent of Deforestation: The Case Study of Lubumbashi City, DR Congo" Vol 2-Issue 3 (721-731) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Ethical Issues in Select Nigerian Children’s Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective
Author(s): Umoren, Mariastella
Page(s): 732-745
The notion of ethics in literary creation pertains to the transforming powers of literature as well as issues of appropriateness and adequacy. Literature for children has the capacity to support children to think ethically and it also imposes pressure on authors and publishers to make ethically appropriate choices in language, content and form. Patterns of linguistics structures deployed by authors of select Nigerian children’s fiction have been analysed using the systemic linguistic descriptive frame (SFL). Findingsrevealed conformity in some lexico-grammatical choices. Clausal elements and sentence typology (simple compound and complex) have been identified and their meta-functions ascertained as interrogative, assertive, and exclamatory Findings could serve as linguistic check list for authors, publishers and teachers of children’s literature.. Keyword: Ethical issues, Children’s literature, Lexico- grammatical choices and meta-functions..× ![]() Umoren, Mariastella "Ethical Issues in Select Nigerian Children’s Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective" Vol 2-Issue 3 (732-745) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Evaluation of Compaction Characteristics for Expansive Clays by Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Technique
Author(s): Harish S, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar
Page(s): 746-752
Preparation of Soil Grade Layer by achieving maximum dry density is most important in the construction of highway according to Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways. Therefore, determination of density for soil in the field is done by destructive methods such as core cutter or sand replacement tests. But these methods are tedious as well as require a lot of time. The present investigation aims at determining a non-destructive method of determining the density in the field.Non-destructive testing by using ultrasonic pulse velocity method was performed on compacted clayey soil. The various physical properties of the soil were determined. Further laboratory specimens were prepared for varying percentages of GGBS and moisture contents by Standard Proctor method. Wave velocity by direct transmission was determined for all the specimens and optimum moisture contents for each of the percentages of GGBS was determined. Slabs were cast for soils with varying percentages of GGBS and their corresponding optimum moisture contents. Wave velocities were determined for both direct and indirect transmission. Cores were made and respective densities were determined. All the specimens tested exhibited an increase in pulse velocity with increase in dry density until optimum moisture content was obtained and a rapid decrease in velocity with further increase in water content. The observations made were in conformity to the research made earlier. The parameters investigated include water content, dry density, soil characteristics and the relationship between velocity and density. Keyword: Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, water content, wave velocity, p-velocity, dry density.× ![]() Harish S, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar "An Evaluation of Compaction Characteristics for Expansive Clays by Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Technique" Vol 2-Issue 3 (746-752) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Casing and Cementing Job in an Oil Well (A Case Study of Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company)
Author(s): Uti L.O., Esabunor O.R., Ogugu A.A.
Page(s): 753-764
Foradrillingoperationtobeconsideredsuccessful,thewellmustbecapableofproducinghydrocarbontothesurface.Forthistobe possible, the well must be cased and cemented using cement slurry. Also, additives play significant role in oil and gas well cementing operations. Cement additives selected for cementing operations are an integral part of sound well design, construction and well integrity. Additives are available to enhance the properties of oil well slurries and achieve successful placement between the casing and the geological formation, rapid compressive strength development and adequate zonal isolation during the lifetime of the well.Thisresearchworkisfocusedoncasingandcementingoperationwhichisanintegralandindispensablepartofdrillingandcompletionprocess.Thetypeofcasingsusedduringtheactualoperationwentaccordingtotheproposedprogrammeandthecementingjobwhichwasoftheprimarytypewashighlysuccessfulandwentaccordingtodesign.Thedevelopmentofthecementslurrywascarriedoutin an ideal way based on the conditions of the formations encountered. In light of the successful nature of the casing and cementing programme carried out on Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company, it was discovered that the practice of developing a casing strings to withstand burst, tension and collapse pressure was properly done. Thus, the developed casing strings can withstand any forceencountered. Keyword: Casing, Cementing, oil well, force, additives, Benin Basin Well 16A.× ![]() Uti L.O., Esabunor O.R., Ogugu A.A. "Casing and Cementing Job in an Oil Well(A Case Study of Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company)" Vol 2-Issue 3 (753-764) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Power Inverter Circuit Generator Software
Author(s): Dr.Anthony Nosike Isiuzoh, Ofunneka Jennifer Okonkwoabutu, Tochukwu Cyprain Onyia
Page(s): 765-770
This paper discusses the design and implementation of an inverter system circuit generator software which helps the user perform the inverter design calculations and generates the circuit diagram. It narrows down the inverter system design processes. All calculations involved in the design process will be accurately and automatically done by the software. The software was designed with the aid of a Java programming language and its graphical user interface was implemented using an application programming interface called JavaFx. The software runs on any operating system that has the Java virtual machine installed on it. All that is required of the user is to key in the parameters of the desired inverter, ranging from the desired input voltage to the desired amount of KVA needed while the software does the job of generating values of the required parameters. It also generates the circuit diagram and the bill of engineering measurement and evaluation for the design. Keyword: Power inverter, JavaFx, MOSFETS, Oscillator.× ![]() Dr.Anthony Nosike Isiuzoh, Ofunneka Jennifer Okonkwoabutu, Tochukwu Cyprain Onyia "Power Inverter Circuit Generator Software" Vol 2-Issue 3 (765-770) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Characterization of Bimetal Displacement of a 35 Ampere Circuit Breaker
Author(s): Alfredo Díaz, Eduardo Rubio
Page(s): 771-774
The calibration process of aircraft circuit breakers is an operation that requires high production costs due to its difficulty and the time needed to achieve an optimal calibration of the device to make it work within the predefined time window to protect the aircraft wiring once installed.This research is motivated by the need of reducing the calibration times of circuit breakers in the production line and hence improving the line capacity while reducing associated costs with the number of operators required to fulfill the process.An experimental analysis is performed using a digital microscope to process images to analyze the bimetal movement of a 35 amperes circuit breaker under a current range from 20 to 70 amperes with the propose of characterize it and find the relation between initial and final position to lay the groundwork to develop a method to simplify the calibration process in the production line. Keyword: Characterization, bimetal, circuit breaker, thermostatic element, calibration.× ![]() Alfredo Díaz, Eduardo Rubio "Characterization of Bimetal Displacement of a 35 Ampere Circuit Breaker" Vol 2-Issue 3 (771-774) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Design of the Variable Cavity of an Erbium Doped Fiber Laser for the Study of the Threshold
Author(s): Josue del Valle-Hernandez, Omar Sharir Cedillo Castillo, Francisco Alejandro Ramirez Díaz, Mauricio Valtierra Domínguez, y Julian Renteria Hernandez
Page(s): 775-781
In this study cavity arrays for a fiber laser are shown in order to compare the performance and pumping power required to reach the threshold in each array, as well as the analysis of the stimulated and spontaneous emission region of the selected model. In the models a Fabry-Perot type structure was used, where the elements that were part of the cavity were: a multiplexer, erbium doped fiber, a Faraday mirror and a Bragg grid, using a laser diode at 980 nm as pumping source. The models studied are rearrangements of the aforementioned elements, placed at different positions of the fiber laser, the model where the Bragg grid was placed at the output of the multiplexer, showed a higher threshold with respect to the other, where the grid was placed before of the erbium doped fiber section, this was due to the change of position of the added grid lost in the cavity, which, in turn, influenced the behavior of the output signal, in addition, the equation of the behavior pattern in the spontaneous emission region was obtained, which on the other hand, did not have the same success for the stimulated emission region due to the limitation of the available data. Keyword: Stimultated and spontaneous emission, Threshold, Fiber Laser, Cavity losses.× ![]() Josue del Valle-Hernandez, Omar Sharir Cedillo Castillo, Francisco Alejandro Ramirez Díaz, Mauricio Valtierra Domínguez, y Julian Renteria Hernandez "Design of the Variable Cavity of an Erbium Doped Fiber Laser for the Study of the Threshold" Vol 2-Issue 3 (775-781) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Experimental Investigation on Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of PVC Powder with Cement and Flyash
Author(s): S.Priyadarshika, M.Rajkannan
Page(s): 781-789
The present paper is an effort to investigate the strength properties of Polyvinyl Chloride dust (PVC) at the various replacement levels. Large scale production of cement is causing environmental problems. This has made the researchers to use supplementary cementations material in making concrete. Polyvinyl Chloride dust is a waste material produced in pipe industry. PVC dust is used as filler material to way towards the waste utilization. M40 grade of concrete is used in the study and mix design was carried out according to guidelines10262 (2009). A constant 20% of Fly-Ash was used as on cement replacement for all the mix. Effect of PVC was studied added 0 to 30% as additive. Mechanical Strengths such as compressive, Split Tensile strength and Flexural strength are investigated. The results show that the compressive strength of concrete is increased for PVC dust whereas split tensile strength of concrete is decreased when the PVC is added. Keyword: Cement, Flyash, PVC powder, Super plasticizer.× ![]() S.Priyadarshika, M.Rajkannan "Experimental Investigation on Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of PVC Powder with Cement and Flyash" Vol 2-Issue 3 (781-789) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Study on effects of light weight aggregates on compressive and flexural strength of concrete
Author(s): S.Thenmozhi, M.Rajkannan
Page(s): 781-789
The present day world is witnessing construction of very challenging and difficult civil engineering structures. In this study comparison has been made between plain cement concrete and light weight concrete having different proportion of aggregates and admixtures. i.e., Expanded Clay Aggregates: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% with coarse aggregate, silica fumes 10% and PVA(Poly Vinyl Alcohol) 1.6% of constant replacement with cement and water respectively. It helps to increase the volume of concrete and hence reduce the weight. In Design of concrete structures, light weight concrete plays a prominent role in reducing the density and to increase the thermal insulation. These may relate of both structural integrity serviceability. More environmental and economical benefits can be achieved if waste materials can be used to replace the fine light weight aggregate. Keyword: Expanded Clay Aggregate, Silica fume, Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA), Density, Compressive strength, Flexural strength..× ![]() S.Thenmozhi, M.Rajkannan "Study on effects of light weight aggregates on compressive and flexural strength of concrete" Vol 2-Issue 3 (790-798) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Experimental Study on Physical Characterization of Black Cotton Soil by using Non Destructive Testing Method
Author(s): Syeda Seema Naaz, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar
Page(s): 799-805
Clayey soil is known for its high swell potential and low shear strength. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test was performed on compacted clayey soil while studying experimentally, the relationship between Velocity, Max. dry density, Optimum Moisture content, Time with varying percentage of admixtures. The soil sample was collected from Davanagere and addition to that, different percentages of admixture was added to find the variation in its density. In this paper density was determined by Standard proctor test and for the sample Ultrasonic pulse velocity test was conducted to determine p-waves. This method is fast and simple approach for determining the characteristics of compacted stabilized soil. This is a non destructive method used as an alternative to existing methods to analyse laboratory or semi field compacted soils. The empirical equations proposed in this study for predicting density, water content, velocity is encouraging. Keyword: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Wave Velocity, Water Content, Maximum Dry Density.× ![]() Syeda Seema Naaz, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar "An Experimental Study on Physical Characterization of Black Cotton Soil by using Non Destructive Testing Method" Vol 2-Issue 3 (799-805) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Variation of Soil Nutrients and Microbial Biomass Carbon with Stand Age in Eucalyptus grandis Plantations in Sri Lanka
Author(s): Premetilake M.M.S.N, Perera G.A.D, Kulasooriya S.A., Ratnayake R.R
Page(s): 814-819
Soil nutrients and microbial activity greatly influence plant development and yield in plantation forests. With the stand age these parameters may change and may affect the yield directly or indirectly. In the present study the relationships between soil macro nutrients (available N, available P, Ca, Mg, K) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) with stand age of Eucalyptus grandis was studied in different plantation forest stands in the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. All the studied nutrients negatively correlated with stand age of the plantation forests (Pearson correlation, p < 0.05) except for Ca and Mg. However, Ca and Mg concentrations in soil also declined with stand age and again increased rapidly towards the stand age of 28 years. MBC in soil also varied significantly with the stand age. The mean differences in MBC in upper and lower soil layers of 5-year-old plantation forest and 28-year-old plantation forests was 1408 mg kg-1 and 519 mg kg-1 respectively. Of all the nutrients only available N had shown a significant relationship with MBC content in soil (Pearson correlation: upper soil layer, -0.848, p =0.000; lower soil layer -0.706, p = 0.000). The decrease of soil nutrients could be due to the absorption of nutrients by the trees during their rapid growth and MBC reduction in soil could be due to the amplification of monoterpene secretion with forest/ plant age. The knowledge on these parameters would support in practicing various management practices to improve yields in plantation forests.. Keyword: Eucalyptus grandis, Soil macronutrients, Microorganisms, Plantation age..× ![]() Premetilake M.M.S.N, Perera G.A.D, Kulasooriya S.A., Ratnayake R.R "The Variation of Soil Nutrients and Microbial Biomass Carbon with Stand Age in Eucalyptus grandis Plantations in Sri Lanka" Vol 2-Issue 3 (814-819) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Teaching Strategies and Note Taking Skills Of First Year Students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Nigeria
Author(s): Idongesit Cletus Udoh, Ime Robson Nseobot
Page(s): 820-828
The study examined the teaching strategies and note taking skills of first year students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of three thousand eight hundred and eighty nine (3889) students of HND I & ND I students of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 512 respondents out of the population. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in Test and Measurement. Data from 512 completed questionnaires was subjected to mean rating analysis and Pearson product moment correlation. The findings showed that teaching strategies has a proportional effect on note taking skills of first year students in Akwa Ibom state polytechnic, Nigeria. And also, learners who had good reading and note taking skills performed better than those without. The study also recommend that lecturer should not label students in any dimension as poor students but should work towards a balance and wholeness of knowledge acquisition by shaping attitudes and orientation of the students towards all round learning. Students should use the information provided by this study to make necessary adjustment on their study habits to enhance their academic achievement in the school. School management should create an enable environment by enrolling sizeable number of students for class to ensure effective teacher teaching strategies. The lecturers should also not rely on the notes that students take down in class but should provide comprehensive modules and recommended text books for students to read during home study. Keyword: - - - ..× ![]() Idongesit Cletus Udoh, Ime Robson Nseobot "Teaching Strategies And Note Taking Skills Of First Year Students In Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Nigeria " Vol 2-Issue 3 (820-828) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Local Authority Institutions and Herdsmen-Farmers Conflict Management in Nigeria
Author(s): Mrs. Idongesit Cletus Udoh, Ime Robson Nseobot
Page(s): 829-839
The study made an assessment of the role of local authority institutions on herdsmen-farmers land use conflict management in Nigeria. The population for the study was all registered farmers and Fulani tribe residents in Benue State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 500 respondents out of the population. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in Test and Measurement. Data from 500 completed questionnaires was subjected to PPMC analysis. The findings showed that concluded that the roles and the strategies adopted by the local authority institutions on herders-farmers land use conflict management in Nigeria is significant. The study recommended that capacity building through education pertaining to laws and regulations guiding the sustainable land use are recommended to land tribunals, especially at ward and village levels to improve their performance in land conflict mitigation. This will contribute to reduce the number of cases related to land directed to the district level and minimize the possibility of occurrence of chaos in the earlier stage. Keyword: Authority; Institutions; Herders; Farmers; Conflict.× ![]() Mrs. Idongesit Cletus Udoh, Ime Robson Nseobot "Local Authority Institutions and Herdsmen-Farmers Conflict Management in Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 3 (829-839) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Trade Deficit, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth “Evidences from Rwanda” (2000Q1-2015Q4)
Author(s): Eric Simbi
Page(s): 840-859
The theoretical and empirical connections between trade deficits and foreign direct investments’ effects on economic growth have been discussed in economics for a long time; however this paper used an econometric investigation in order to assess the statistical effect of both variables on economic growth of Rwanda for the period of 2000Q1-2015Q4.This study used Co- integration technique and Vector error correction model(VECM) where we observed one co- integrating equation which normalized the coefficient of log real gross domestic product. By applying VECM, the speed of adjustment of the model was 56% with an error correction coefficient of 0.056109. In addition, the empirical findings also confirmed the long run negative effects of trade deficits and both short& long run positive effects of foreign direct investments on economic growth of Rwanda. However foreign direct investments did not generate economic growth in most efficient manner way despite its short run causality. The government of Rwanda may continue to review and address new policies towards net export and foreign direct investment improvement. Keyword: Trade deficit, foreign direct investment, Economic growth..× ![]() Eric Simbi "Trade Deficit, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth “Evidences from Rwanda” (2000Q1-2015Q4) " Vol 2-Issue 3 (840-859) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Digital Divide Hindering E-learning in Zambia
Author(s): Francis Mukosa, Burton Mweemba
Page(s): 860-865
This paper focuses mainly on the digital divide and how it is hindering eLearning in Zambia. The paper brings out several challenges that the Education sector is facing in implementing eLearning programs. The findings indicate that lack of adequate investment in ICT infrastructure has led to the high cost of internet services and this has impacted on the expansion of eLearning programs. The quality of internet in Zambia is also a huge challenge in delivering eLearning especially that attitudes and cultural issues are still barriers that need to be broken down in order for eLearning to completely succeed. The findings also revealed that Africa has received very little investment in ICT and that this impacts negatively on integration of eLearning in learning institutions. The literature review is drawn from different authors and draws a conclusion that there is need to improve investment in the ICT sector in Zambia in order to enhance the growth of eLearning. Keyword: eLearning, Technology, Government, Internet, Investment, Institutions.× ![]() Francis Mukosa, Burton Mweemba "The Digital Divide Hindering E-learning in Zambia" Vol 2-Issue 3 (860-865) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Effect of Ambient Temperatureon Roost Tree Selection ofIndian Flying Fox, Pteropusgiganteus (Brünnich,1782) in Thazi, Mandalay Region, Central Myanmar
Author(s): Thazin Suyi Naing
Page(s): 866-871
The effect of ambient temperature on Roost treeselection of Indian flying fox, Pteropusgiganteuswas undertaken from July, 2015 to April, 2016 in Yele precinct. It was situated in Thazi Township, Central Myanmar. A total of 20 roost trees were found as the diurnal roost of Pteropusgiganteusand these comprised of four different species. Mean height of the roost trees was 18.80±1.32m and mean girth is 1.37±0.54 m. Monthly population size roosted on Holopteleaintegrifolia was almost stable. The shifting roost tree selection on Tamarindusindica and Samaneasamanwas observed from July to February. Although roosting onBorassusflabelliferwas no remarkable fluctuation from November to February. However, the number of roosting bats on B. flabelliferincreased abruptly in March, and April. Keyword: Roost tree, Population size, Shifting roost tree.× ![]() Thazin Suyi Naing "The Effect of Ambient Temperatureon Roost Tree Selection ofIndian Flying Fox, Pteropusgiganteus (Brünnich,1782) in Thazi, Mandalay Region, Central Myanmar" Vol 2-Issue 3 (866-871) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Intelligent Evaluation of Enterprise System
Author(s): UmohMfreke E, Enoch.O.Nwachukwu
Page(s): 872-882
Nowadays, individuals, organizations depend largely on software systems for smooth running of their businesses, unfortunately, most of the organizations fail to realize their set goal, due to software failure and malfunctioning. The existing system for software evaluation is limited by lack of capabilities to handle imprecise knowledge, lack of capability to learn from previous data and make a valid decision. This research is motivated by the need to overcome these limitations by the integration of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to optimize the software performance evaluation by classifying, training and quantifying software quality attributes. We employed back propagation and hybrid learning approach in training our network. The training, testing and checking Root mean Square Error(RMSE) values of 0.026347, 0.026073, and 0.025819 respectively were observed in the hybrid learning process at 100 epochs. ANFIS processes are faster and have a minimal error of 0.026344 at 100 epochs. Average error of 0.047283 was observed in back propagation as against the average error of 0.024642 with hybrid learning at 300 epochs. Therefore, ANFIS evaluation with hybrid learning performed better than back propagation. Keyword: Software evaluation, Software Quality metrics, Fuzzy logic, Neural Network. ANFIS.× ![]() UmohMfreke E, Enoch.O.Nwachukwu " An Intelligent Evaluation of Enterprise System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (872-882) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Identifying Major Causes, Effects and Approaches to Curbing Crimes in South-Western Nigeria
Author(s): Chris I. Nwagboso, Emmanuel E.Etim
Page(s): 883-895
The thrust of this study was to identify the major causes and effects of crimes in South-Western Nigeria. It was discovered that the once peaceful region of the country is gradually becoming the crime capital, losing lives and properties worth millions on yearly basis to the recurrent cases of crimes. Data were generated from both primary and secondary sources and tested with Pearson Product Moments Correlation Coefficient at 0.01 level of significance, through the use of SPSS. Findings revealed that there is a positive correlation between unresponsive government and increase crimes in South-Western Nigeria which has led to business shutdown, poor economic development among others. The study concludes that if adequate measures to curb these crimes are not urgently taken, more lives will be lost, businesses will continue to foldup, investors will withdraw their investments, poverty and hunger will take over and life will become more unbearable for the common man. Some of the recommendations of this study includes; youth empowerment, job creation, resource control, meeting of students’ demands and the strengthening of the Nigerian educational systems at all levels, as well as provisions for good ranching systems and laws to protect both herdsmen and farmers within the region. Keyword: Crime, Kidnapping, Resource control, Religion, South-West, Nigeria.× ![]() Chris I. Nwagboso, Emmanuel E.Etim "Identifying Major Causes, Effects and Approaches to Curbing Crimes in South-Western Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 3 (883-895) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Afforestation
Author(s): Pranay Kishor Bhoi, Arpit Yashwant Patil, Prajwal Dadasaheb Gunjal, Prasad Balasaheb Lomte, Swanand Sanjay Khalegaonkar, Sumit Suryakant Mohite, Mr. Vishwas Punjaji Badhe
Page(s): 896-900
We are making this project to plant seeds in afforested area where humans are not able to plant each and every seed by hands. Hence to reduce this fact we are making a drone (AUAVFA) which has a capability of plant seed very fast as compare to human. Buyer of the drone only need to set a path via using mobile application then it will go on to that location and drop one seed it is very quick process. Our drone will come back to our location after all dropping of all seed and in case of failure by any reason buyer can get an alert and drone will automatically land itself. This is our AUAVFA. Keyword: Unmanned Arial Vehicle, Afforestation device, Automated vehicle.× ![]() Pranay Kishor Bhoi, Arpit Yashwant Patil, Prajwal Dadasaheb Gunjal, Prasad Balasaheb Lomte, Swanand Sanjay Khalegaonkar, Sumit Suryakant Mohite, Mr. Vishwas Punjaji Badhe "Automated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Afforestation" Vol 2-Issue 3 (896-900) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Assessment of Cement Stabilized Soil
Author(s): Vinay M, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar
Page(s): 901-905
Black cotton soil which is one of the major soil deposits which accounts for more than 50% of soil in India and is highly problematic because of its property of higher degree of swelling and shrinkage. These soils are used in sub grade of pavement and also in construction of structures. Hence in order to improve the properties of such soils many methods are available like soil stabilization, soil replacement, moisture control etc. In recent years, soil stabilization by using various minerals like quarry dust, saw dust, copper dust, cement and fly ash were most commonly used. In the present study cement is used as admixture and NDT was performed on clayey soil compacted by rolling compactor cum rut analyzer. The experiment was conducted with varying proportions of cement and the relation between maximum dry density, moisture content, pulse velocity etc were determined. lab test specimens were prepared and wave velocity was measured for each of the compacted stabilized specimen. in this paper the Maximum dry density of the soil is related with the obtained velocity and thus real time density is obtained in field by simple ultrasonic pulse velocity test. Keyword: cement, maximum dry density, water content, optimum moisture content, ultrasonic pulse velocity etc.× ![]() Vinay M, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar "Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Assessment of Cement Stabilized Soil" Vol 2-Issue 3 (901-905) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Impact of Global Warming: Perspective of Bangladesh
Author(s): Rihab Rahman
Page(s): 906-911
Global warming is a buzzword in this current age. It is nothing but a modern threat for our existence. It is a phenomenon that is occurring since thousands of years. Third world countries like Bangladesh is one of the worst sufferers of this global warming. In this paper it will be discussed various impacts of global warming, some reasons for which the global warming is taking place, some steps that are already taken to resolve the issue and finally some recommendations to minimize the impact of global warming. Keyword: Global warming, climate change, Bangladesh, temperature rising, CO2, fossils fuel.× ![]() Rihab Rahman "Impact of Global Warming: Perspective of Bangladesh" Vol 2-Issue 3 (906-911) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Heavy Metal Assessment in the Groundwater of Baran District, Rajasthan, India
Author(s): Deepmala Meena, Ram Bilas Meena
Page(s): 912-915
Heavy metals in groundwater were analyzed and their sources and impacts were identified using multivariate statistical tools and risk assessment. Three significant factors were extracted by factor analysis (FA), explaining 75.69% of total variance. These factors were in turn described by the clusters C3, C2 and C1, respectively, resulting from the cluster analysis (CA). Factor analysis and cluster analysis revealed significant anthropogenic contributions and water-rock interaction effects of the metals in groundwater. The mean values of heavy metal evaluation index (HEI) and degree of contamination (Cdeg) indices indicated that the groundwater samples were contaminated with high degree of pollution by cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). The hazard quotients (via ingestion) of Cd and Pb were found to be higher than the safe limits, posing threat to the consumers. However, no risk related to the dermal contact was associated with the measured metal levels. The present investigation explains Heavy Metal Assessment in the Groundwater of Baran District, Rajasthan, India. Keyword: heavy metals, groundwater, contamination, hazard, assessment, evaluation, Baran.× ![]() Deepmala Meena, Ram Bilas Meena, "Heavy Metal Assessment in the Groundwater of Baran District, Rajasthan, India" Vol 2-Issue 3 (912-915) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |